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Chinese Zodiac Predictions 2021

12 Chinese Zodiac Sign Predictions In 2021, With Health, Love & Career Tips For The Niu Year

Chinese zodiac predictions 2021

What’s Chinese New Year without perusing Chinese zodiac predictions from fortune boards at various shopping malls, or tuning in to the Feng Shui master’s pearls of wisdom during the Channel 8 countdown? 

We’ve done the homework of sifting through multiple zodiac platforms to collate all the fortune findings which tally – leaving out contradictory readings. These Chinese zodiac predictions for 2021 also come with tips to maximise your blessings, or tip the odds to your favour if your lucky stars aren’t shining as bright in the Year of the Ox.

Check out our other Chinese New Year articles:

1. Rat – smooth career but business woes, blossoming love life

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Continue your hustle and grind, ‘cause your hard work will not go unnoticed. Teammates will sing your praises while superiors start seeing you in a highly promotable light. Although those who are employed will find stability and progression, business owners born in the Year of the Rat may face cash flow issues and stifled growth.

Love life is set to bloom, with the Rat sign’s heightened charisma drawing in loads of suitors for single folk. However, those in relationships may have to pick up the slack if their partner is not giving as much affection and care as before. Remember, relationships aren’t always 50/50. Set your pride aside and pour in extra effort in order for the connection to last.

Rat birth years: 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948

2. Ox – stagnant career, good social luck with reunion opportunities

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It’ll be a lacklustre year career-wise, with slim chances of pay raises or promotions. Those on a job hunt will face stiff competition, so consider upgrading your skills in your free time to gain a stronger edge. The good news is, you won’t be facing any mishaps or lifestyle changes which require you to dip into your savings, such as hospitalisation or needing to buy a new car.

Socially, there’ll be virtually no conflict as a calm and amiable disposition takes over the Ox sign’s elements this year, and you’ll also encounter opportunities to reconnect with those you’ve fallen out with in the past. That said, make sure to exercise judgement instead of falling back into toxic friendships, or sending your ex a late-night “I miss you” text.

Ox birth years: 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949

3. Tiger – positive growth & new stage of life, health improvements

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Image credit: Billy Tran

In Chinese Ba Zi readings, the Tiger follows a wood element while the Ox follows earth. This means the Year of the Ox will serve as the firm soil foundation for Tiger’s steady, tree-like growth and branching out into new pathways. Take this chance to step into the next phase of life which previously had you shook – be it moving out, getting hitched, or having a baby.

Those plagued by pre-existing medical conditions will see a marked improvement in their health. If you’ve been thinking of cutting down on cigarettes or quitting alcohol, 2021 will be the year where you gain enough resilience and discipline to make that leap – and experience a major boost in your HP.

Tiger birth years: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950

4. Rabbit – luck in job seeking, avoid social conflict & lawsuits

Lawsuits & Social Conflict - Chinese Zodiac Predictions 2021

Don’t hold your breath in anticipation of a promotion. Emphasis will be placed on job stability and seeing the numbers in your bank account rise, but not necessarily climbing the ranks – for 2021, at least. Jobseekers, be it fresh grads or those who got laid off due to the economic downturn, will be pleased to know that chances of securing a high-paying job are…well, high.

Try your best to stay out of drama and conflict. It’s tempting to spill the tea and engage in hot goss, but fortunes predict that falling prey to arguments this year will sap you of your positive energy, and impact your health and wealth as well. In the case of serious disputes, avoid lawsuits at all cost – your chances of winning are said to be razor-thin.

Rabbit birth years: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951

5. Dragon – wealth opportunities, irritable mood & risk of conflict

Investment Opportunities - Chinese Zodiac Predictions 2021

Fab news: you’ll be presented with career or investment opportunities where waves of profit will come crashing in. That said, be content with the abundance while avoiding the temptation of going overboard and risking losing more than you had gained. In moments of doubt, remember that greed will not be rewarded.

Your mood will be shaky this year and you’ll be susceptible to fits of agitation more easily than before. Be mindful of your emotions to avoid burning out, all while wearing down the relationships with those around you. In arguments arising among family, friends and your lover, bite your tongue to avoid dealing irreparable damage in the heat of the moment. 

Dragon birth years: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952

6. Snake – lukewarm health & love life, opportunity for windfall

Businessman Singapore - Chinese Zodiac Predictions 2021

Your health and romance predictions for 2021 are stable, meaning there won’t be extraordinary triumphs but you won’t have to worry about catastrophic developments either. In terms of wealth, you stand an opportunity to strike it rich. If you’re used to being cautious with spending or lack investment know-how, seek guidance from a friend or mentor born in the Year of the Ox. 

This is because the Snake is a fire sign, which clashes with metal – an element representing money. According to Chinese Ba Zi readings, the Ox is nicknamed “The Storeroom of the Metal”, which means they will be able to safeguard the wealth of signs who usually have trouble achieving monetary abundance. Time to sift through your contact list to find an Ox benefactor!

Snake birth years: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953

7. Horse – motivation to try new things, excellent social energy

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Prepare to be fuelled by faith and self-confidence to do things which have been giving you cold feet prior to 2021, whether it’s enrolling in a yoga class despite not being able to touch your toes, or delving into a career switch after being stuck in an unsatisfactory role.

This year will also see a rise in your social energy and “limelight factor”, which means everyone you meet will gravitate towards your aura and have stellar impressions of your character. While it’s unlikely that you’ll strike it rich within 2021, this gives you an opportunity to build up your reputation, network furiously, and reap the rewards in time to come.

Horse birth years: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954

8. Goat – business opportunity, increased chances of finding new love

Side Hustle - Chinese Zodiac Predictions 2021

You’re set to achieve bouts of wisdom and plenty of Eureka moments throughout 2021, pushing you to actualise business or creative goals that have been left on the backburner. Perhaps you’ve always dreamt of writing your own novel, or kick-starting a side hustle to open up a new income channel.

Romantically speaking, exercise financial prudence where possible and remember that money can’t buy love. Single pringles should join social groups to organically meet people with shared interests, instead of limiting themselves to mutual friends’ match-making. Who knows? Love might blossom within your pottery class or cycling club.

Goat birth years: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955

9. Monkey – mood & relationship troubles, no major health issues

Clean Eating Diet Vegetables

This year, you will be enveloped by particularly strong feelings of passion and fluctuating emotions. Hence, it may be difficult for single peeps to land themselves a new, stable and lasting relationship. That said, those who already have partners will be able to spice things up and keep the romance fresh, but be wary of conflict resulting from extreme highs and lows.

Health wise, take comfort in the fact that the fortunes have predicted zero major medical complications for you this year. Still, that’s not a sign for you to throw self-care to the wind. Steer clear of fad diets and stick to good ol’ clean eating and exercise if you want to stay in shape.

Monkey birth years: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956

10. Rooster – high social energy, potential networking opportunities

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Positive social energy will surround you, so there’s never been a better time to fill up your calendar with catch-up sessions or a group meal – keeping to the Phase 3 pax limitations, of course. Reunions with old and forgotten connections, in particular, are said to be able to pave the way to avenues of wealth this year.

Perhaps it’s time to hit up your ex-schoolmates, past colleagues, and friends you haven’t touched base with in years. They may very lead to life-changing networking opportunities and if not, you’d have rekindled a solid connection nonetheless.

Rooster birth years: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957

11. Dog – lacklustre luck in love, smooth-sailing finances

Married Couple Saving Money

Have patience if you’re seeking a dating partner. Love sparks aren’t flying high for you this year, and each match you set your sights on will come with a flurry of competitors. Those already in relationships ought to make the effort to prevent excitement from fizzling out, planning thoughtful date activities regularly to remind your partner how much you care.

In terms of wealth and career, don’t expect a windfall or big promotion – but you won’t be burdened with significant job stress or income complications either. 2021 will be smooth-sailing and devoid of major ups and downs, but try to cut down on big ticket purchases so you can save for a rainy day.

Dog birth years: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958

12. Pig – career growth but high pressure at work, mild health issues

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Your energy and emotions this year will mostly be occupied by career growth. There will come an opportunity for a change in company or job type, but take note that while the offer might be tempting – especially with a hefty pay raise – the pressure of the new position will be huge. Take it on only if you enjoy challenges and are confident of not faltering under pressure.

Health wise, you may face deterioration in gut and digestive health. Foodies beware, and make sure not to indulge so much in your fave foods that are common culprits behind digestive problems.

Pig birth years: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959

Chinese zodiac sign predictions for career, health & love life

Especially after the emotional rollercoaster that 2020 sent us on, we can’t wait to see if these Chinese zodiac predictions ring true for the new year ahead. While it’s uplifting to read positive fortunes for your zodiac sign, remember that luck will only go so far – it’s up to you to live your life to the fullest and make wise decisions along the way.

Same goes for those whose readings aren’t the most auspicious – take the predictions with a pinch of salt. Your fate lies in your hands, so go forth and make 2021 your best year yet. Happy Chinese New Year!

Check these out if you’re into personality tests and zodiac & horoscope readings:

Predictions adapted from: Geomancy Center for Applied Feng Shui Research, The Chinese Zodiac & Chinese Fortune Calendar.