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First date tips

7 First Date Tips To Find The One IRL, Based On Data Collected From Over 75,000 Singaporeans 

First date tips

Dating in Singapore

First dates have long been compared to job interviews – attempting to make the best impression can get a little nerve-wracking. To stand out, it’s only natural to want to show qualities without having to state, “I’m the one you’re looking for.” 

So, here are 7 first date tips based on stats gathered from 75,000 Singaporeans, backed by local dating agency GaiGai. These will take away the awkwardness of meeting someone new and potentially score the love of your life:

1. Talk about the next trip you’re planning

snow in Japan

There’s good reason why, according to GaiGai’s stats, well-travelled people are very popular among Singaporeans when it comes to dating. It indicates that you are somewhat accomplished, independent, and aren’t afraid to let loose once in a while. 

Discussing travel during a first date is the most organic way to start sharing stories and more about yourself. Don’t forget to ask your date about their desired travel destinations – it’s a great way to share your aspirations and experiences in a light-hearted manner. 

2. Low-key make it known that you help others in your free time

It goes without saying that people who do volunteer work are admired by society. GaiGai’s research certainly backs this up as these make up some of the most popular profiles in their database. 

You don’t have to be a walking reincarnation of Mother Theresa, but it helps to subtly let your date know that you don’t just think about yourself. When talking about what you do in your free time, weave in the fact that you have no qualms about helping others, be it contributing to shared household chores, or donating to charity.

So if you are involved in volunteer work, you’ll definitely want to bring it up in your conversation. Keep it low-key, of course, so that it doesn’t come off as bragging.

3. Weave family into the conversation

Let’s just put it out there – for many, the end goal of dating is marriage. Marriage means you’ll eventually be a family. And from a psychological point-of-view, talking about family puts you in a more dependable and credible light. After all, no one wants to invest time into someone who’ll bail on them.

Family at JW Marriott Singapore

Data collected from Singaporeans show that “family-oriented” is among the top 3 qualities men look for in women. Once you breach the topic of family, you can suss out whether your date is on the same page as you, in terms of what they expect in the future. 

Get started by asking about your date’s siblings or parents and what they do, followed by, “do you see them often?” to get the gist of how they value family. 

4. Don’t shy away from sharing about your profession. 

The easiest ice-breaker when meeting someone new is the opening phrase, “What do you do?” 

This simple question gives you straightforward insight as to whether someone’s a fit for you. For example, if a person does irregular shift work, you can gauge how much time you’ll be able to spend with them; or if you are in similar fields of work, you can connect through common experiences.

First date tips

According to statistics from GaiGai, people in Singapore are generally open to meeting others from different industries, while those in creative fields tend to gravitate towards others within similar industries.

5. Suss out common interests

When getting to know someone for the first time, it’s common to hit little speed bumps of silence along the way. To break down those barriers, you can ask questions to dig deeper into your conversation like, “What are you passionate about?” and, “What do you like to do?” to uncover common interests. 

If you’re not too comfortable with opening up so soon, you can go for more straightforward talking points. Here are some fail-proof topics to get started:

  • Recommended Netflix shows
  • Fitness regimes
  • Music taste
  • Weekend go-to activities

Hiking in Singapore
They say couples who workout together stay together

Finding common interests is a great way to gauge your compatibility and possibly plan future dates together. For example, research indicates that those who are into fitness tend to look for partners who can exercise with them. 

6. Show off your sense of humour 

Picnic in SIngapore

Laughter can break the ice and set a more relaxed mood on your date. We’re not talking cheesy “knock-knock” jokes, of course. One way to get the ball rolling is by poking fun at yourself via narrating funny incidents you’ve endured. This shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously and instantly makes you more relatable. 

Besides, stats in Singapore show that men who are humorous and women who are outgoing and bubbly tend to stand out more as desirable partners.

7. Ask open-ended questions instead of “yes” or “no” questions 

Asking open-ended questions is one of the most basic but effective ways to maintain a conversation. Avoid questions that can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. 

For example, instead of asking, “Do you like Stranger Things?” try, “What do you like about Stranger Things?” 

Data from GaiGai has shown that extroverted members tend to be more popular. But even if you’re not a natural extrovert, this simple tip can help you score points and get the conversation moving along.

Tips for first dates so you can find your soulmate

If you’ve had one too many disastrous dates, these first date tips will help you whizz through the evening and get the ball rolling for a potential 2nd date. After all, they’re backed by statistics from GaiGai, collected from over 75,000 Singaporeans.

Birthed from the dating app Paktor, GaiGai is an offline version where members can easily sign up free-of-charge. Just complete an online profile, and once it’s approved, you’ll be able to set a meeting with your very own personal relationship manager to discuss what you’re looking for in your future partner. 

You needn’t be shy about signing up either, as your profile – especially your pictures and identifiable particulars – will be kept private at all times. Matches here are instead determined by research data and user behaviour trends, and a brief version of your profile will be shared once you’ve confirmed a date with a match. 

GaiGai also holds regular singles events for the public (from $30/person) that span interest-based activities like baking sessions, fitness classes, and 3-course dinners for singles to meet and mingle. So if you’re looking for that special someone out there, there’s a goldmine of possibilities ahead of you.

Schedule a free profiling session with GaiGai here

This post was brought to you by GaiGai.