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bukit chermin boardwalk

Bukit Chermin Boardwalk: Relaxing Stroll By The Sea With Views Of Hillside Colonial Bungalows & Sentosa

Bukit Chermin Boardwalk

For a break from the digital screens we spend 99% of our time with, head out for a walk instead for a healthy dose of nature. Neighbourhood parks are great for a stroll or jog, but sometimes, it’s worth travelling a little further for a change of scenery. For those who love the relaxing sounds of the sea and panoramic views, consider a rejuvenating stroll along Bukit Chermin Boardwalk.

For more boardwalks in Singapore:

330M boardwalk over the sea at Labrador Nature Reserve

bukit chermin boardwalk
Image credit:

We love boardwalks for how close it takes us to the sea and sick views that come without the sticky splashes of saltwater from a boat trip out. While we don’t have too many boardwalks in Singapore, Labrador Nature Reserve’s Bukit Chermin Boardwalk is a scenic one to explore with a 330M-long trail above the water.

bukit chermin boardwalk

Much like Pulau Ubin’s Chek Jawa, the boardwalk takes you along foothills, with conserved colonial bungalows and rocky shores on one side and a vast expanse of the sea on the other. Spot Sentosa and the tiny specks of cable cars gliding through the sky in the distance.

bukit chermin boardwalk - high tide
High tide, with clear waters near the shore
Image credit: @i_sha21

Low tide unveils the marine ecosystem that lies beneath the surface of the water, with seagrass beds and crabs scuttling about. High tide, on the other hand, will bring you close to the surface of the water thanks to how low the boardwalk is built. You’ll be close enough to spot otters and fishes – sometimes even large trout! Check out the tide timings on NEA before heading down.

Pro-tip: While this isn’t a fishing zone, fishing enthusiasts can head out to the Labrador Promenade to cast their poles. 

Little Terns

Image credit: NParks

Don’t forget to look up into the sky: with plenty of fish comes flocks of birds like the White-bellied Fish Eagle, Brahminy Kite and White-throated Kingfishers. Stay long enough and you might be able to catch a Little Tern diving into the water to snatch up a snack.

catch stunning sunset views here at around 7PM
Image credit: @unizoon

Unwind at Bukit Chermin Boardwalk

bukit chermin boardwalk
Image credit:

Aside from strolling and jogging, Bukit Chermin Boardwalk also has well-paved, flat surfaces, making it wheelchair and stroller-friendly. So take the entire fam – kids and elderly alike – to unwind here, in the great outdoors.

Getting there: Located within Labrador Nature Reserve, the coastal boardwalk forms part of the full 2.1KM Labrador Nature & Coastal Walk. Enter the trail from Berlayer Creek Boardwalk before breaking out of the mangrove to start on the coastal segment that is Bukit Chermin Boardwalk.

To get to Labrador Nature Reserve, alight at Labrador Park MRT Station and take Exit A.

For more walking trails:

Cover image adapted from: TheSmartLocal, @mshuangs