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Fresh Graduate Makes Counterfeit Money After YouTube Tutorial, Goes To Jail

Man learns to make counterfeit money on YouTube

From entertainment to DIY instructions on various topics, there are tons of skills that you can learn on YouTube in this day and age. You can find billions of YouTube videos with a myriad of content, such as cooking and dancing, with just one click.

While many users tap into YouTube’s reservoir of information to improve their knowledge, some have been caught doing less than legal things using the platform. 

Recently, a fresh graduate in Can Tho was jailed after making and circulating counterfeit money – a skill that he claimed he learnt on YouTube.

He made counterfeit money using a color printer

counterfeit money
Image adapted from: Phap Luat Online

According to Phap Luat Online, 28-year-old Nguyen Van Khiem was a fresh graduate and without a job at the time of committing the crime.

In June 2020, Khiem came up with the idea of making counterfeit money after watching a YouTube tutorial. Heeding the instructions on YouTube, he bought a color printer, a laptop, and started printing out fake money.

To begin with, he scanned a genuine VND500,000 (~USD21.72) note into his laptop and printed the image into numerous copies on sheets of A4 paper. After that, he covered the sheets of A4 paper with nylon, laminated them, and cut them into separate bills with a razor.

The total sum of fake notes that Khiem produced amounted to VND150,000,000 (~USD6,517).

counterfeit money
Image credit: Lao Dong

To profit from his illegal activity, he created a Facebook account to advertise the counterfeit money that he made.   

Within a month, he sold counterfeit money with a face value of VND88,000,000 (~USD3,824) to Le Minh Nhut and Thai Duong Hoang Buu. In return, he earned a profit of genuine VND26,300,000 (~USD1,142.73)

After the transaction, Buu sold the counterfeit bills to 2 other people, while Nhut spent fake money to buy cigarettes, SIMS cards, and gasoline.

Meanwhile, Khiem continued looking for clients on Facebook. Before long, he sold VND21,000,000 (~USD91.24) worth of counterfeit banknotes to Vo Hoang Truc Vy, who was also interested in circulating fake currency. Nonetheless, he refused to send her the promised fake bills after receiving VND3,500,000 (~USD152.07) payment from her.

Every shortcut to wealth can result in hazardous consequences, and Khiem was no exception. 

His fake currency ring was busted, and the people who participated in his illegal activities were also arrested.

He and his partners in crime are sentenced to jail

counterfeit money
Khiem and his associates at the hearing
Image adapted from: Phap Luat Online

On 23rd June 2021, Khiem stood trial and was sentenced to 13 years in prison. 

His accomplices, Le Minh Nhut and Thai Duong Hoang Buu, both received a 5-year sentence. 

The other people who took part in circulating counterfeit money carried 2 to 3 years of suspended sentences.

Watch out for unfitting content on YouTube

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s life, especially fresh graduates. With more and more businesses ceasing operations, it’s becoming harder for fresh graduates to find jobs. To tide over the crisis, many graduates have to resort to juggling odd jobs, such as working as app-hailing riders.

Financial difficulties are not an excuse to defraud people for your own gains. This story also reminds adults to not be overdependent on YouTube’s restricted mode to eliminate objectionable content. Keep an eye on what your children look at online and advise them against harmful content as well.

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Cover image adapted from: Phap Luat Online

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