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Hanoi Bubble Tea Ingredient Storage Facility Raided, Shady Products Found

Shady bubble tea ingredient facility raided in Hanoi

Hanoi has just eased COVID-19 restrictions after several weeks, and it is understandable that its citizens have jumped at the opportunity to let their hair down. Thousands are flocking to get their long-overdue haircuts, satisfy their phở cravings, and of course, hit up bubble tea joints for those sweet, sweet cups of joy.

But perhaps it’d be wise to cut down on that last part for the time being. Just yesterday, authorities performed a check on a shady bubble tea ingredient provider in Hanoi, and discovered tons of unverified products kept in unsanitary conditions.

Let’s take a look at some of the pictures taken during the raid – though consider yourself warned: you might lose your appetite for your favorite drink for a while.

Several tons of bubble tea ingredients of shady origins found

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Image credit: Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

On 24th June 2021, officers conducted a check on a bubble tea ingredient provider in Hanoi and uncovered several products that violated food hygiene and safety rules, according to the Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance.

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Image credit: Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

A spot check of the facility’s 3 storage areas revealed several tons of bubble tea ingredients such as tapioca pearls, flavored syrups, and bubble tea powder bearing labels from well-known brands such as Gong Cha and Royal Tea. However, many of these were kept in unsanitary conditions.

Image credit: Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

The report states that the facility’s owner was not present at the time of the raid. Its staff managed to provide certain documents such as the business’ registration certificate and customs declaration. However, they were unable to verify the origins of a large portion of its products.

Investigations are ongoing

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Image credit: Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

According to an official, the facility’s owner has tried to avoid checks from the authorities on multiple occasions.

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Image credit: Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

“They are very clever in their violations. They mix documented products with undocumented ones, making the verification process difficult,” this official said.

Authorities have seized the ingredients and are working to trace down their origins.

Be careful with what you consume

This isn’t the first time shady consumable products have been found in Vietnam. Just last week, thousands of fake shampoo and perfume bottles masquerading as products from respected brands were also found in Hanoi.

The repeated incidents raise safety concerns. Perhaps it would do well for us to start paying more attention to where we buy our goods from.

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Cover image adapted from Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance

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