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Shady Cosmetics Facility Raided In Hanoi, Fake Coco Chanel & Pink Lady Bottles Found

Fake cosmetics facility discovered in Hanoi

Whether it is shampoo and soap, or makeup and perfume, we all use some kinds of cosmetic products daily.

With such a high demand for them, it comes as no surprise that some individuals would create fake products to make some quick cash – regardless of the harm they could cause to the health of others.

Thankfully, we now have one less fake product facility to worry about. Authorities in Hanoi recently raided a shady cosmetics facility and seized tons of low-quality cosmetics masquerading as those from respected brands.

Let’s take a look at what they found.

Low-quality cosmetics in Coco Chanel & Pink Lady bottles

fake cosmetic
Image credit: Vietnamplus

Last Wednesday, a check was conducted on a local cosmetics manufacturer by officers from the Hanoi Directorate of Market Surveillance and the Thanh Oai District’s police department, reported Zing News.

The search uncovered tons of low-quality shampoo, perfume, and other cosmetic products made from various chemicals and stored in unsanitary buckets.

fake cosmetic bottle
Image credit: Đặng Như Quỳnh

By the time authorities arrived, workers at the facility were extracting these substances into bottles bearing labels from respected brands such as Chanel, Pink Lady Shower, Collagen X 12, and more. The bottles were to be delivered to retailers for distribution and consumption.

fake cosmetic production
Image credit: Đặng Như Quỳnh

The facility’s owner failed to provide any legal documents to justify their operations.

Billions of VND worth of evidence seized

Image credit: Đặng Như Quỳnh

The authorities ended up confiscating 13,000 manufactured products, as well as many ingredients of unknown origins, reported VNExpress.

Their total worth is estimated at 6 to 7 billion VND (~USD261,000-USD304,000).

Further investigations are ongoing.

Beware of fake cosmetics sold at low prices

While it is a good thing that this shady manufacturer was busted, there are probably still some out there that have yet to be discovered.

Let this case be a reminder for us all to pay more attention to the origins of the products we consume.

For our own well-being, it’s best to buy from creditable retailers, even if their prices might be higher.

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Cover image adapted from Vietnamplus and Đặng Như Quỳnh

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