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Landlord Helps Tenant Give Birth To A Healthy Baby Inside COVID-19 Zone

Resident in COVID-19 zone gives birth to a baby

From choosing a hospital to getting essential supplies, childbirth is a huge event in every woman’s life that requires preparation in advance. Among the many expectations that women have in their last days of pregnancy, giving birth in a quarantined zone with strangers’ help is certainly not included.

However, we’re living in unprecedented times and nothing is impossible. 

Here’s the story of Hà Thị Nhớ, a lady who gave birth inside a COVID-19 quarantined zone with the help of her landlord.

Her residence was quarantined when she went into labor

COVID-19 baby
Image adapted from: Dan Tri

About a year ago, 31-year-old Hà Thị Nhớ and her husband moved to Bắc Giang to work. In late April 2021, the city started seeing daily caseloads of COVID-19, and Nhớ had to stay home starting from 12th May. 

Unfortunately for Nhớ, her rented residence was a quarantine zone just when her due date was right around the corner. 

On 22nd May, Nhớ’s husband called an ambulance as she started showing signs of labor. Her landlord also came over to check on her.

Her landlord helped her deliver a baby 

COVID-19 baby
Image adapted from: Dan Tri

Before the ambulance arrived, the helpful landlord, who is equipped with basic obstetric skills, dove into action. 

When the medics reached the scene, Nhớ’s landlord had already helped her deliver a healthy baby boy weighing 3.2KG. Both the mother and the baby were taken to a local hospital for maternal and newborn care and are believed to have recovered.

“Since my husband cannot go to work because of COVID-19, he helps me take care of the baby. For the past couple of days, my landlord and neighbors have sent us food supplies,” the new mom told Lao Dong

Tenant delivered baby inside COVID-19 zone

The birth of Nhớ’s baby must have been a challenging yet unforgettable moment for the mother, the husband, and the landlord. 

We think this new mom was very fortunate to have her baby delivered into this world safely in a confined space, with the help of her landlord who didn’t have the necessary tools and equipment. 

Not only did the landlord set a beautiful example of going the extra mile to assist a vulnerable neighbor, this kind act has also renewed our faith in humanity.

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Cover image adapted from: Lao Dong
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