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Man Cries Over Lost Dog On The Streets, Kind Stranger Guides Him To Find It

Man cries on the streets because he lost his dog, stranger helps find it

Every dog owner probably knows the fear of losing their loyal companion, whether to old age, diseases, or just to moments of carelessness that let the dog run off and get lost.

It is understandable, then, that this man was devastated after his dog wandered off. The emotional impact took such a toll on him that he broke down crying right on the streets.

Thankfully, his story didn’t end in a tragedy. With the help of a kind stranger, he was ultimately able to find his furkid again.

Here’s how the touching reunion played out.

The man was caught in an accident and his dog ran off

lost dog gif 1
Video credit: Đức Thiện

On 28th May 2021, a man named Đức Thiện took to his Facebook page to share a video of a wholesome story he helped make possible.

In the video, it can be seen that Đức Thiện was driving his motorbike when he came across another man – a Westerner – curled up on the roadside, crying. According to the video caption, the man had been caught in an accident, and his dog had run off.

The men drove around to find the dog with people showing them directions
Video credit: Đức Thiện

Đức Thiện approached and asked in Vietnamese if the man was looking for his dog. Apparently, the video’s poster had already known of the other man’s predicament, perhaps having heard from others in the area.

It would seem the Westerner understood the question pretty well, as he responded in the affirmative. Đức Thiện then said he had seen a dog up the street and asked the man to follow him.

The dog’s owner couldn’t contain his joy when he found his lost companion

Video credit: Đức Thiện

In the second half of the video, the two men were shown driving around, asking residents in the area if they’d seen a lost dog.

Thanks to helpful citizens pointing them in the right direction, they were finally able to find the dog. Needless to say, the owner was overjoyed. In another video shared by Đức Thiện, he could be seen – still hugging and kissing his dog – repeatedly saying “thank you” to his helper with a sincere attitude.

Video credit: Đức Thiện

The dog seemed glad to have been found as well, as it kept clinging to its owner. The sight is enough to bring a smile to our faces.

Stop and help out a stranger in need

While the videos were cut down to just a few minutes, it’s safe to assume that the men’s search went on for quite a bit longer than that.

The heartwarming reunion would probably not have been possible if Đức Thiện hadn’t decided to stop and extend a helping hand to a stranger in need.

Let stories like these be reminders for us to look out for one another and make society a better place.

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Cover image adapted from Đức Thiện

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