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Vietnam Schools Disinfected To Prep For The National High School Graduation Exams Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

National high school graduation exams during the COVID-19 outbreak

On 8th and 10th August 2020, all high school students in Vietnam will sit for their national high school graduation exams.

Proceeding with nationwide examinations amid an ongoing COVID-19 outbreak is a monumental decision, and that’s why preventive measures are being beefed up to maximize safety for all.

Exam venues across the country are undergoing thorough disinfection

Vietnam 2020 high school grad exam_disinfection Image credit: Giao Duc Thoi Dai

Except for those in Da Nang, the epicenter of the coronavirus at the moment, students in the remaining parts of Vietnam will sit for their high school graduation exams as planned.

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Image credit: VNEXPRESS

Across the country, exam venues as well as exam paper printing houses have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

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Image credit: Giao Duc Thoi Dai

Each exam venue is equipped with at least 2 isolation rooms reserved for students who unexpectedly show COVID-19-related symptoms, while seats are widely spaced to ensure the students maintain a safe distance from each other.

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Image credit: VNEXPRESS

In every classroom, temperature reading devices, face masks and hand sanitizers are provided to be used at the students’ disposal.

School administrators and superintendents who oversee the exams have rehearsed the safety procedures. Instead of letting students gather in the schoolyard to join the opening ceremony as with previous years, school superintendents will guide students straight to the classrooms.

Students who have come in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases will sit for the exams on later dates

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247 students in Dinh Lap High School in Lang Son Province will sit for the 2nd round of national high school graduation exams, which will be announced later by the Ministry of Education
Image credit: Giao Duc Thoi Dai

Due to the complicated situation regarding the COVID-19 community cases, Vietnam will host 2 separate rounds of the national high school graduation exams. In particular, students who have been identified as F1 and F2 cases will take their exams on later dates.

F1 cases refer to the close contacts of COVID-19 confirmed cases and are suspected to be infected with the virus. F2 cases are people who have contacted F1 cases. Both have to go through a 14-day quarantine period for observation.

This year, Ho Chi Minh City will see about 75,000 students for the first round of national high school graduation exams, which will be conducted in 115 exam venues.

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Image credit: Giao Duc Thoi Dai

Personal details such as travel history and health declaration of the students and school superintendents have already been submitted to local authorities before 7th August. Everyone will have their temperatures taken by medical workers before entering the exam venues.

Any students or faculty members who run a fever before the exams start should alert the exam venue staff members immediately and seek medical assistance.

Parents are also strongly advised against gathering in crowds in front of the school gates when dropping off and picking up their children at the exam venues. Everyone should keep a safe distance from one another and wear masks at all times.

Holding the national high school graduation exams during the COVID-19 pandemic

Just less than a month ago, Vietnamese students were seen happily celebrating their graduation, without masks or physical distancing.

But as our country is experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 cases, we should re-adopt mask-wearing in public places and continue to maintain good hygiene practices such as sanitizing and washing our hands regularly. Let’s also avoid gathering in groups for now, and stay safe at home whenever we can.

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Cover image adapted from: VNExpress

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