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10 Types Of Singaporean Couples You See Everywhere

Types Of Singaporean Couples

You’ve met your significant other and you never thought love could feel so good. You become a self-claimed love guru and have a strong desire to proclaim your relationship to the mountains. Everything that your partner does is right and you want to show off this flawless being to the universe. Hey, no one said it was a bad thing (or is it?). 

Just like people, romance varies. We all have different ways of expressing our affection to our partners. There is no right or wrong way to say “I love you” but admittedly, we all fall to certain stereotypes.

Romantic ways of public affection have also evolved through the years. Move over Facebook, relationship statuses are so 2012. Here, we’ve rounded up 10 types of Singaporean couples we all have encountered on social media and in real life.

1. The Travellers

traveller couple

Image credit: @angelawmlau

Couple selfie at the Eiffel Tower? Check. Breakfast for two at a café in Italy? Check. Getting a couple tattoo when visiting the Merina tribe in Madagascar? Of course. The best trips are the ones with your soul mate.

They are the top contenders in filling every page of their passport at immigration offices. Every single Instagram post takes place in a different venue and they give Lonely Planet a run for their money.

Nevermind what they do for a living. As they uncover the world, they realise being nomads is their vocation.

Where they date: Anywhere but Singapore.

2. The Hipsters

The Hipsters aren’t allowed to label themselves as Hipsters but we know a real one when we see one.

Scarves, rimmed glasses, printed apparel and bucket hats are on the rise regardless of the weather and it’s only in due time that two of the same people become romantically intertwined.

Sometimes it’s more than their carefully curated Spotify playlists and struggle to grow non-existent facial hair. Their couple posts on Instagram are either candid or in black and white with the oddest form of PDA. But I’m sure they’re happy in love. They have to do everything different, remember?

Hipster couple

Image credit: Kimberly Lauren Wong

Where they date: Cafés, bookstores, pop-up craft stores in the alley of Hoot Kiam road.

3. The Ah Lian/Ah Beng

The search for a specific type of human being to fall in love with couldn’t get any more spot on than these people. What’s more attractive than silky straight rebonded hair with skin as white as ivory? Its masculine counterpart is the epitome of a ‘Singaporean badass’ and could very well be The Boy with the Dragon Tattoo.

But their love story is always executed with profound love dedications. I gotta give them props for being photogenic (after 37 Photoshop corrections) with uploads of couple selfie collages and a padded Chanel handbag (another one?!) as a gift for Valentine’s Day. “Stead ai mai?”

Source: Flickr

Where they date: Arcades, KTV lounges and random restaurants.

4. The Young Family

Ohana means family and there’s no greater love than this.

Girl meets boy, boy falls in love, and their unity is sealed when two come together to create one. That’s what marriage is all about, isn’t it? The wedding pictures will dwindle and a mini-me version of themselves starts invading their Instagram.

From their first steps to first words, everything becomes documented and the only possession they have of their account is by name. It’s their way of saying, “Check it out, I made this!” and you end up liking everything because every post is just adorable.

Source: Instagram

Where they date: At home.

5. The Party People

Because they are constantly in the scene, one of these clubs has got to be where they first met. In fact, a lot of their ‘first’ romantic moments could unfold all in one night. From their first drink together to their first kiss (that escalated quickly), their colour-tinted photos accurately display the order of events.

Sometimes the photos get a bit fuzzy and everyone’s all cuddled on one tight sofa so it gets a bit confusing to figure out who’s with who. And with all that regular alcohol consumption, you and your partner’s livers degrade in sync! It’s so romantic when couples do everything together.

Party couple

Image credit: @yukitanachan

Where they date: Any club that is open, ZoukOut (every year), the award-winning “Best Global Club” Space Ibiza in Spain. 

6. The Corporate

So much work, so little time.

As they like to picture it, their Instagram snapshots are sharp #ootds with hints of must-have work essentials and an update of the cityscape from their ceiling-to-floor window view. They are also self-named coffee connoisseurs with their irresistible habit to hit every coffee spot they see.

They can’t afford the luxury of a 3-hour lunch so lunch dates are always made snappy with a salad bowl to-go. They’re perfectly capable of not seeing each other until the weekend and when that comes around, it means staying in all day. Romance varies for everyone.

corporate couple

Image credit: @jellyfied

Where they date: In car rides, Salad Stop!, those crucial 5 minutes before bedtime.

7. The PDA


Remember when the digital gadget was considered cool about 8 years ago? And remember when romantic Public Displays of Affection never were?

I agree, great love is meant to be shared and celebrated. But just to consider the lonely, single ones out there, maybe cut some slack on the kissing photos (eww is that tongue?!). They’re naturally clingy and the extreme ones post from shared accounts. They also have a thing for couple hashtags i.e. John + Mary = #Jary #what.

It’s hard to look away when you see hands and tongues go places you wish you never witnessed. But maybe these people are just obsessed kinesthetic learners. If it doesn’t irk you that much, you might just learn a thing or two.

PDA couple

Image credit: @jessicaong93

Where they date: “Anywhere will do as long as I’m with you.”

8. The High Life

For these atas love birds, every night is date night.

Champagne is their staple water and they don’t settle for anything less than Beluga caviar from the freshest sturgeon. Taking the public transport is beneath them much attributed to their obliviousness of the existence of an EZ-link card.

You can always count on them for the most lavish dinners to go to and they’re always VIP for every single party. Men, if you don’t shower your girl with diamonds, I don’t know what’s gonna keep her around.

high class couple

Image credit: @zestaflux

Where they date: CUT by Wolfgang Puck, yachts, Pangaea to get that SGD 32,000 cocktail.

9. The Health Nuts

The fit life is still taking the world by storm and the influx of healthy lifestyle choices is surprisingly contagious. Suddenly, having a meathead for a boyfriend is the arm candy to beat. Also, having blended kale juice for breakfast is the coolest thing to do so grocery shopping with your significant other couldn’t be any more appropriate.

Having an exercise buddy has its sure rewards. All that dieting and exercise routines land these people the most physically aesthetic pairs on the internet. Hence, it’s no excuse not to post a shirtless selfie.

With a love like this, giving up the best Singapore hawker food is the ultimate sacrifice.

Where they date: Gyms, beaches, in their own kitchens whipping up a low-fat candlelit dinner.

10. The Perfect Couple


They’re the couple you want to be and want to kill at the same.

She’s beautiful, he’s handsome and they’re smiling in every photo. You question whether there’s such a thing as a “perfect relationship” in this cruel world and you’re a fan and a hater each time they post another “perfect moment.”

You leave a fangirling comment and then go back and forth on leaving a Like because you’re busy seething with jealousy. There, there. We can’t always get what we want.

Where they date: (They don’t exist.)

What Couple Are You?

Every couple wants to show how happy their relationship is, myself included. And if you’ve yet to find a perfect specimen to share intimate moments with, don’t fret! Falling in love is a timeless game. So if you see a happy couple photo, leave them a Like! Love makes the world go round.

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