Ahhh the North, The empty fields and desolate plains many of us call home. Few understand the pains of living here, and even fewer still understand the joy of it all. So here’s a list for those who just don’t understand, and for those who do, something to nod your head to.
For all my homies in Woodlands, Yishun, Marsiling and Sembawang this goes out to you.
Meet in Jurong? That’s 20 minutes away! Meet in town? That’s almost an hour away! Harbourfront? Forget it. Nothing seems to satisfy you and you always end up at Causeway Point in the end.
It’s almost impossible to find good food after 11pm unless you count McDonalds. But Upper Thomson is a haven for hungry Northies craving prata or ice cream, if you can find a parking spot.
Clubbing is expensive for us! A cab from Zouk can be more than $30 plus cover and drinks? No thanks, I’m staying home, unless we have somebody we can share a cab with.
It can be hard to find things to do in the North especially if you haven’t read our guide on things to do in the North. But the zoo is one of our coolest attractions, and when it’s just a hop on a bus away, why not? Getting a year-long pass doesn’t even sound crazy.
All those high buildings in the CBD freak you out. Where are the barren wastelands and undeveloped state lands just waiting to be bought by developers? I need my open spaces, I need the fresh air, I miss the North!
You laugh at your friends when they crowd in town with everyone to see fireworks, because you just need to turn your head to the nearest window. Plus you can do it in your pajamas.
Your phone vibrates in the middle of the afternoon and you leap to it thinking your crush has finally texted you back, but NOPE.
You’ve tried every excuse in the book: “I’ve got alcohol”, “I’ve got video games”, “I’ve got a rotating bed” but it never ever works until you appoint yourself as the leader for school projects and force them to come over.
After all the hard work your team makes put in, they still have to pay a $30 cab fare to wherever they live after 11pm. Might as well stay over for a Disney marathon!
You think it’s super cool we have a hot spring in Singapore and it makes the north soooooooo much more interesting. It’s the only place in Singapore that has one and you’re so proud.
You roll your eyes when your friend who lives in Outram complains about how far Orchard is because you travel for 3 hours a day to and from school.
The hipster coffee shops have yet to find a footing in the North, but that also means there’s not really any good coffee. Eventually you just give up and go to a kopitiam or Starbucks.
When you tell your friends your place is only 5 stops from town you neglect to tell them the space between Yio Chu Kang station and Khatib lasts 5,000 years.
Whatever we have they kinda have it worse and we’re glad we’re not at the bottom of the food chain.
Also read: 20 Signs You Grew Up As A West Kid in Singapore.
Plus pointers on what to do during an emergency.
From Oktoberfest to Tomorrowland, they've got it all.
It may be smaller than the rest, but this park packs a whole lotta Disney…
#6 is a spicy way to enjoy your hotpot, without ordering their mala soup base
#4 is a cuddling service and in case you were wondering - no funny business…
Head over for some serious sun, sand & sea vibes.