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10 Ways to Cure a Heartbreak in Singapore

Getting over a heartbreak



So you just had your heart broken. 

An imaginary dark cloud hovers over you. Your phone beeps as concerned friends make futile attempts to jio you out. You just want to stay in bed all day, shove a whole tub of Ben & Jerry’s in your face, and spend an unreasonable lot of time watching The Walking Dead. 

But no! Wallowing for a few days is fine, but being overly unoccupied can drive you crazy with your own thoughts. After all, an idle mind is the devil’s plaything. 

Here are 10 things to do to cure your heartbreak. 


1. Unleash your inner songster/songstress


Source: Giphy

Now that you’ve picked up your phone once again, ask your friends out for a therapeutic Karaoke session. Singing your heart out is the oldest heartbreak remedy in the book. You’ll also realize that true friends stick around through rough times and high notes you can’t hit. 

One of the greatest misconceptions about singing K is that it’s only for people who are into Mando-pop. But if Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom didn’t write a song for whatever you’re feeling, Adele or Taylor Swift would have.

Teo Heng (80%) and K Suites (91%) are two KTV places that have gotten rave reviews from our members.


2. Find yourself a new hobby


Source: Giphy

If you’ve always wanted to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Pole Dancing but faced violent objections from an ex-partner, there’s no better time than now! You can even pick up a new language because Running Man will be 10 times funnier if you mastered Korean. 

Your choice of a hobby is unimportant. Explore your interests and discover a new side of yourself!


3. Do voluntary CIP


Source: Giphy

If the last altruistic thing you did was flag day in Secondary School, it’s time to pick up where you left off. Channeling your energies to volunteering is a better cure than most leisurely pursuits for it helps you spend your time more meaningfully.

If you’re an animal lover, you could volunteer with animal shelters like Save Our Street Dogs. And if your hugs and kisses are rarely reciprocated, here’s a whole list of other roles from photography to fundraising. 


4. HTHT over a girlfriends staycation


Source: Giphy

Ladies only. I can’t imagine a way in which it wouldn’t be awkward for 4 guys to check into a hotel. 

A staycation is perfect for a short getaway. If you want, each room at Quincy Hotel comes with a bottle of wine and complimentary mini-bar that will come in handy while HTHT-ing. If you wish, you can even arrive or leave in the hotel’s limousine. Fancy way to cure a heartbreak or what. 


5. Do something that scares you


Source: Giphy

I may never understand the thrill of freefalling, but I live by one of life’s greatest ironies – the thing that scares you most is the one you must do! Bungee-jumping is still off-limits for me, but I may meet my fear of heights halfway and go rock-climbing

Conquering your fear liberates you. If you are afraid of snakes, visit a reptile garden at the zoo and feel its slimy skin beneath your fingers. If you’re afraid of the dark, splurge on a meal at Nox – Dine In The Dark in the name of self development. 


6. Drown your sorrows in Zouk’s sour plum shots


Source: Giphy

Should you club when you’re heartbroken? While some would answer a resounding “no”, I’d say hell yes! A little fun never hurt anyone.

Alcohol is technically a depressant, but centuries of “experts” would attest to its success rate of relieving heartaches. If you do it right, the combination of alcohol, good company, and David Guetta can make a great party to shake it off. If you don’t, a perfectly good night can plummet into Stompsville. 

Be in good hands, do not get dead drunk, and try not to beat anyone up. 


7. Nurse your heartbreak (or hangover) with comfort food


Source: Giphy

Singaporean hawker fare always work for me. Song Fa Bak Kut Teh, 328 Katong Laksa, Ming Kee Chicken Rice, 126 Dim Sum, and 85 Bak Chor Mee – only a fraction of my current cravings. Craft a comfort food trail and get a few of your friends to participate. No #eatclean peeps are allowed on this expedition, obviously.  

You have an excuse to pig out for a while – utilise it well. If anyone asks, tell them you are nursing a broken heart. They can’t be a prick about it because that’s just mean. 


8. Pamper yourself


Source: Giphy

Life has been mistreating you lately. If you were in a Channel 8 drama, you’ll have disheveled hair and an overgrown stubble by now. It doesn’t have to be that way! You must first look good to feel good. 

For the guys, it’s time to shave, pick that nacho out of your hair and wear a new cologne. Ladies, book yourself a facial or spa treatment. If it brightens you up, having minions painted on your nails is justifiable. 


9. Take it out on ice-cream and desserts


Source: Giphy

Why have one pint of ice-cream when you can have an endless supply of it? I’ll be up for this even on a perfectly happy day because ice-cream is my kryptonite. Swensen’s Ice Cream and Desserts Buffet at Ion Orchard is bound to do something for you, your broken heart and your sweet tooth.

Yes, it’s high in sugar and calories, but that’s completely irrelevant when kryptonite comes in 50 flavors and 40 toppings. 

Solitude is one of the most underrated things in the world. Company can be comforting, but me-time is just as important.


10. Accept that It’s alright to be alone sometimes


Source: Giphy

What did Noah do after Allie left him in The Notebook? He spent time alone in Seabrook to restore an abandoned house! We worked with what we have in Singapore and found plenty of solo activities for you. If you’re planning to catch a movie alone, it best be a comedy. No The Notebook or other tearjerker nonsense. 

Unless Ryan Gosling stars in it. 


Keep calm and stay positive



It would be perfect if there was an elixir for heartbreak. Alas, life is not a video game. For now, keep yourself occupied and stay away from sad songs. With this list, a temporary nonchalance about weight gain, and a great deal of faith – you’ll be okay. 

Got a heartbroken friend who has been cooping herself up at home? Share this article with her before they fall off the face of the earth. 


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