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Couple Gets Engaged At Covid-19 Security Post To Uphold Border’s Safety Rules

Couple gets engaged at a Covid-19 security post

As a common saying goes, love overcomes all challenges. Indeed, in such challenging times as this Covid-19 pandemic, the statement has been proven true on many occasions.

The case of this couple from central Vietnam is the latest example. Travel restrictions prevented the man from going to his fiancée’s house, which was in another province, for their engagement ceremony. Unyielding, he decided to get engaged to her right at the Covid-19 security post bordering both provinces.

Here’s how the couple went through with the procedure while still adhering to safe-distancing and virus prevention protocols.

Groom’s body temperature was higher than normal, was asked not to enter province

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Image credit: Dân Trí

On the morning of 13th May, a man from the central city of Đà Nẵng went with his family to the adjacent province of Quảng Nam, reported Thanh Niên. They were supposed to go to his fiancée’s house in Quảng Nam’s Đại Lộc District to perform the couple’s engagement ceremony.

However, as they reached the Covid-19 security post between Đà Nẵng and Quảng Nam and got their body temperature measured, the groom showed a slightly higher temperature than normal. As such, they were advised not to proceed.

But rather than turning back, they had a different idea.

Called the bride’s family to the security post to hold engagement ceremony

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The groom’s family giving engagement gifts to the bride’s family

Image credit: VTV

The groom’s family then called the bride and explained the situation over the phone. The latter then happily agreed to travel to the security post to meet up.

There, the two families exchanged engagement gifts, and a modest ceremony was held to mark the couple’s betrothal. All Covid-19 preventive measures were observed – every participant wore a mask and maintained a safe distance.

The groom was also tested for Covid-19 and received a negative result, said Thanh Niên.

Still, their precautions were definitely not redundant, as Đà Nẵng has been one of the areas with the highest number of reported Covid-19 cases during this latest outbreak. According to Đà Nẵng’s Health Department, 170 patients have been recorded in the city over the past 2 weeks.

Couple gets engaged at security post

This couple’s experience isn’t the only case of wedding plans getting affected by the new Covid-19 wave. As reported previously, another pair of lovebirds had to minimize their wedding feast into a modest ceremony to avoid attracting crowds. Their decision was met with overwhelming support from their neighbors.

Let their cases be examples to prove we can still go on with our plans to a certain extent, while still being responsible toward the community.

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Cover image adapted from Dân Trí and VTV

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