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Woman Meets Her Soulmate In Quarantine Camp, Marries Him 6 Months Later

Hanoi woman meets her soulmate in quarantine camp

Love is a fickle thing indeed. Some people spend years chasing after the wrong person, only to realize the right one was next to them all along. Others run into their soulmate in the most random of circumstances.

The case of a woman from Hanoi falls into the latter category. When she came back from overseas and served her mandatory 2-week quarantine period at a medical facility, she probably didn’t think that one of its staff members would later become her husband.

Here’s how their love story came to fruition.

Her would-be husband was working at her quarantine facility

woman soulmate quarantine
Image credit: Zing News

Phương Linh, from Hanoi, was a Vietnamese student studying overseas in Australia. In July 2020, she came back to Vietnam to seek shelter from the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the government’s COVID-19 prevention protocols, she had to spend two weeks in quarantine at a medical center in the southern province of Bình Dương before she could go home.

It was there that she met Hoàng Hải, the man who would go on to become her husband. At the time, he was a medical worker tasked with taking care of Linh and several others.

As Zing News reported, Linh felt drawn to Hải’s enthusiasm and considerate attitude toward patients. Meanwhile, Hải shared that his most memorable impression of Linh during her quarantine period was when she borrowed a knife from him to peel fruits.

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Image credit: Zing News

“When I asked for the knife back, she joked that she had swallowed it. It was quirky remarks like these that helped ease my exhaustion from working,” he said.

However, due to Hải’s busy schedule and the fact that everyone had to minimize contact in the quarantine facility to reduce infection risks, the two did not have many chances to talk.

Fortunately, when Linh left the camp to return to her home on the other side of the country, she and Hải were able to exchange phone numbers. They stayed in touch, and thus began a budding love story.

They got married just 6 months later

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Image credit: Zing News

Despite the long distance separating them, Linh and Hải talked over the phone often and came to realize they had a lot in common, eventually falling in love with one another.

Due to the nature of his job, Hải rarely had the time to visit his girlfriend in Hanoi. Instead, it was Linh who regularly came to Bình Dương to meet him.

“I’m so grateful for her understanding,” Hải told Zing News.

Last March, just 6 months after their fateful first encounter, the two officially tied the knot, marking a happy ending to their incredible journey and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Overseas returnee meets her significant other during quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt given us all a hard time, yet in the case of Linh, it also brought her to her husband.

Stories like these prove that love is just around the corner. If you haven’t found your special someone just yet, keep looking forward. You might run into them when you least expect it.

In the meantime, let’s all congratulate Linh and Hải for their wedding and wish them a happy life together.

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Cover image adapted from Zing News

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