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Man Shares Porn In Quarantine Facility’s Social Media Group, Gets Fined

Man fined for sharing porn in quarantine facility’s social media group

We don’t usually admit it, or talk much about it, but sexual-related content is always intriguing – it is only human nature, after all.

That said, distributing adult videos and images is prohibited by the Vietnamese government. Violators stand to receive heavy legal consequences – as a man found out the hard way after he posted sex videos in the social media group of the quarantine facility he was in.

Here’s what happened.

The quarantine facility has a Zalo group to share news, but a man shares porn in it

The man shared porn videos in his quarantine facility’s Zalo group
Image credit: Thanh Niên

Yesterday, Thanh Niên reported that the police department of Nông Sơn District, Quảng Nam Province was investigating Trương Công Tài, a 25-year-old local man, on account of distributing sexually explicit content.

Previously, Tài was quarantined at a Covid-19 quarantine facility in the area and was added to a group on Zalo – a popular Vietnamese social media platform.

The group included all members of the facility and was intended as a platform for everyone to share information, such as updates and new announcements.

However, it seems Tài decided they could use a little bit of… spicing up. On 23rd August, he posted four sex videos, two explicit pictures, as well as links to several porn sites, in the group.

Perhaps the man didn’t realize that the group also included authorized officers, or perhaps he greatly underestimated the consequences of his action.

In any case, he soon found out the hard way.

The man had to answer for his action

Tài’s action was quickly noticed and reported to the Department of Cyber ​​Security and Hi-tech Crime Prevention, and he was summoned for questioning.

Upon investigation, authorities found that the man had 13 sex videos and 6 sex pictures stored in his phone. He also admitted to his wrongdoing.

It’s safe to assume he was given a fine afterward.

According to Article 326 of Vietnam’s Criminal Code, anyone found distributing pornographic content can be faced with a fine of up to VND100,000,000 (~USD4,400), as well as a jail sentence of up to 15 years.

Be careful with inappropriate content on the Internet

This case reminds us of a recent occurrence in Vietnam, where thousands of Facebook users found their accounts banned for sharing links to a video with sexual scenes involving children.

Perhaps many share and watch these kinds of videos simply out of curiosity, without fully understanding the consequences of their actions. But there are plenty of scammers out there who try to capitalize on this by spreading links to shady websites that potentially contain malware.

So, to protect yourself, be mindful of the content you consume and distribute on the Internet.

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Cover image adapted from Thanh Niên

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