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Vietnam Reports 7 New Imported COVID-19 Cases And 1 Recovery Over The Weekend

COVID-19 in Vietnam, update on 22nd June 2020

Image adapted from Vietnam Airlines and VNExpress

With 7 new COVID-19 cases discovered among Vietnamese citizens repatriated from abroad, Vietnam’s total COVID-19 patient count is currently sitting at 349.

On the other hand, one recovery has also been reported, leaving the country with only 22 active patients. Among these, the one case that has received a lot of public attention is the 43-year-old Scottish man known as Patient 91. Formerly comatose for two months in critical condition, the man is now on track to make a full recovery.

7 new cases and 1 recovery

Passengers on the flight on 6th June arriving at Nội Bài Airport
Image credit: Vietnam Airlines

The 7 new COVID-19 cases in Vietnam, reported by the Ministry of Health on Friday evening, were all passengers on a flight facilitated by the Vietnamese government to bring back citizens from various European countries. They landed at the Nội Bài International Airport in Hanoi on 6th June, and as per regulation, all passengers were quarantined and tested for COVID-19 upon entry. At the time, none of the tests showed positive results.

On their second test on 18th June, however, 7 people were confirmed positive for the virus. They have now been moved to the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Hanoi for treatment.

Meanwhile, Patient 333, a 37-year-old man who was hospitalized on 11th June, was declared free of the coronavirus and was discharged on Saturday after 9 days in treatment. The man works as a crew member on a Vietnamese ship operating in Malaysia, which returned to Vietnam in late May.

His recovery is the 327th in Vietnam. At the moment, the country is treating only 22 COVID-19 patients, of whom 6 have had at least 1 negative test.

Patient 91 continues to get better, wishes to go home

Patient 91 standing with help on 15th June
Image credit: VNExpress

As one of the most critical COVID-19 cases of Vietnam, the case of Patient 91 has drawn national attention over the past couple of months. Initially hospitalized on 18th March, the 43-year-old Scottish man quickly fell ill as his body overreacted to the virus and caused severe damage to his organs.

By early April, the man had to rely on life support, and a month later, doctors said that his lung capacity had been reduced to only 10% and his only chance of surviving would be a lung transplant. The news prompted a surge of support from the Vietnamese community, with many stepping up to volunteer one of their own lungs.

Thankfully, in early June, the patient’s health condition took a turn for the better, and he has since then made what officials have described as a “miraculous recovery”. Now disconnected from life support, the man is fully conscious, able to stand with help, and his organs are functional. He is currently practising physical therapy to regain strength, and doctors estimate that he will be able to walk normally again in a couple of weeks.

Talking to doctors, the patient has expressed his desire to return to the UK. Officials will be holding a meeting this week to discuss steps to send him home in accordance with his wish once his condition allows it.

Vietnam’s COVID-19 update on 22nd June

The recovery of Patient 91 from the grasp of death is a testament to the skills and dedication of Vietnamese medical staff, and we also have to give a shoutout to the many volunteers who were ready to give up one of their lungs to save his life.

This truly goes to show just how far we Vietnamese are willing to go to help someone, whether they share our language and skin color or not.

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Cover image adapted from Vietnam Airlines and VNExpress

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