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Disabled Lottery Seller’s Loyal Doggo Helps Him Queue For Rice In Phú Quốc & Earns Praise Online

Dog helps disabled lottery ticket seller queue for rice

You have probably heard people say that a dog is the best friend a man (or woman, of course) could ever ask for, and that saying is popular for a reason. Stories of cute canines going the extra mile for their owners, even sacrificing their own lives to save them from harm, are not a rare sight on the Internet. A recently trending video in Vietnam is the latest proof of a dog’s utmost loyalty to its hooman.

In the video, a dog is seen patiently waiting for his turn at a charity rice distribution spot, then bringing the rice back to his disabled owner who was wheelchair-bound and couldn’t queue himself.

The owner was wheelchair-bound and couldn’t join the queue, so his dog did in his stead

Just like in the rest of the world, the COVID-19 outbreak has left a drastic impact on Vietnam’s economy, costing many people their jobs. Since the pandemic first hit Vietnam in January, many charitable efforts have popped up all over the country to distribute free rice, food, and other supplies to those in need.

In the last days of May, though, a charity rice distribution spot on the island of Phú Quốc in southern Vietnam welcomed an unusual customer: a chubby black dog. His owner, a humble lottery ticket seller in the area, has a disability in his legs and couldn’t stand in the queue, so the dog did so in his stead.

Video credit: Kiên Giang Today

The entire incident was filmed by a bystander and shared online, capturing Vietnamese netizens’ hearts left and right. In the video, the dog is seen picking up a bag of rice placed in front of him, then delivering it to his owner who was waiting in his tricycle outside.

A special lottery ticket seller

Speaking with Tiền Phong, the dog’s owner Ngô Văn Tý shared that he adopted this furry boy 4 years ago and named him Lucky. At the time, Lucky was just a frail pup who couldn’t even eat by himself, so Tý had to spoon-feed him with milk.

Lucky would help Tý sell his lottery tickets
Image credit: Tiền Phong

Growing up, Lucky often helped Tý out with his lottery ticket selling, and still does now. As Tý has trouble walking, he usually has Lucky carry the tickets in his mouth to offer them to customers, then bring the money back. Needless to say, not many can turn their heads away from such a cute offer.

Tý has a seat installed on his tricycle for Lucky to sit
Image credit: Tiền Phong

“As my wife and I have no children, we consider him our own son,” the 49-year-old man said.

Tý considers Lucky to be his own son
Image credit: Tiền Phong

Loyal dog helps out lottery ticket seller

Tý and Lucky’s story is a testament to the unbreakable bond between a good boi and its owner. If you do come across this mismatched duo the next time you are in Phú Quốc, don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket to support them. Who knows, you might even get lucky (heh!) and win a prize.

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Cover image adapted from Beatvn

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