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Vietnam Goes 60 Days Without COVID-19 Community Transmissions As 97% Of Patients Have Recovered

COVID-19 in Vietnam, update on 15th June

Today marks the 60th consecutive day that Vietnam has not had a new COVID-19 infection in the community. Since 16th April, when the last case of community transmission was reported, all new COVID-19 cases in the country have been imported.

At the moment, Vietnam has recorded a total of 334 COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the outbreak, 323 of whom have recovered. Meanwhile, the health condition of Patient 91, the only remaining critical case, continues to improve by the day.

2 new cases reported over the weekend

More COVID-19 cases are being detected among Vietnamese returning from overseas
(Photo for illustrative purposes only)
Image credit: Vietnam Airlines

The latest COVID-19 case in Vietnam, known as Patient 334, was reported on Saturday evening. According to the Ministry of Health, he is a 29-year-old man who went to China for a vacation in mid-January and was then stuck there for several months due to the outbreak. On 31st May, he was finally able to return to Vietnam by land via the Móng Cái Border Gate in Quảng Ninh Province, where he was immediately quarantined.

The man tested negative for COVID-19 on his first test on 3rd June. His second test on 11th June, however, was positive. He has been moved to the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Hanoi for treatment.

A day prior, another case was also reported in the southern city of Vũng Tàu. This is a 37-year-old man who works as a crew member on a Vietnamese ship operating in Malaysia. Upon returning to Vietnam on 30th May, he and the rest of the crew were taken into quarantine, where he tested positive for the virus on 11th June.

323 total recoveries

The two patients discharged from the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases on Friday
Image credit: National Hospital of Tropical Diseases 

Of the 334 total COVID-19 cases in Vietnam, 323 have recovered, placing the recovery rate in Vietnam at nearly 97% at the moment.

The latest 2 recovered patients were discharged by the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Hanoi on Friday. They are two Vietnamese men aged 29 and 30 respectively, and had been repatriated from Russia by the Vietnamese government on 13th May.

This means Vietnam now only has 11 COVID-19 cases classified as active, among whom only 7 are testing positive for the virus, while the other 4 have had at least 1 negative test.

Patient 91’s health condition continues to improve

Patient 91 has left his bed for the first time in months to go out in a wheelchair
Image credit: Chợ Rẫy Hospital

The case of the 43-year-old British man known as Patient 91 is one that has been closely followed by the Vietnamese media, as he is one of the most critically ill COVID-19 patients the country has recorded. Thankfully, since the beginning of June, his health has shown continuous signs of improvement.

Patient 91 has gone for 48 hours without requiring a ventilator. Moreover, according to an update from the Chợ Rẫy Hospital – where he is being treated – on Thursday, he has been able to leave his bed for the first time in months to go outside in a wheelchair.

He also remembers his personal information, including the passwords to his tablet and phone even after months of being comatose. For doctors, this is a sign showing that his brain is not damaged.

Vietnam’s COVID-19 situation on 15th June

It is heartwarming to see that so many people are worried about Patient 91 and wishing him the best even though they don’t know him at all. This truly goes on to show how Vietnamese are always looking out for others, from their fellow countrymen to international friends.

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Cover image adapted from National Hospital of Tropical Diseases and Chợ Rẫy Hospital

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