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Vietnamese Grannies Carry Heavy Water Tanks Uphill On Steep Terrain, Netizens Moved By Photos

Vietnamese grannies carry heavy water tanks

The mountainous area of northern Vietnam’s Hà Giang Province is famed for its stunning natural landscape. For years, motorbike enthusiasts from Hanoi and other northern cities have crossed hundreds of kilometers and braved treacherous mountain pass tracks to get here just to enjoy the view. Looking at cloud-shrouded mountains stretching as far as the eye can see and taking in the refreshing air, we can’t help but think to ourselves, “Man, I wish I could stay here forever.”

But for those who actually live here, life is a constant struggle. For them, even the basic necessities that we take for granted such as water is a luxury. Recently, pictures of elderly women carrying heavy water tanks up steep hills have been widely shared on the Internet, leaving netizens in awe.

The tanks are a donation to help them store water

Speaking with Dân Việt, Mr. Trần Ngọc Giác, the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Vân Chải Village in Hà Giang Province, explained that water isn’t a readily available resource in these areas. To have enough for their daily usage, locals have to bring cans to water sources – which can be hours away from their homes – just to get water.

vietnamese grannies carry water tanks
An old lady carrying a heavy water tank uphill on her back
Image credit: Beatvn

Knowing of the locals’ predicament, many charitable individuals have donated water tanks to help them out. With these, locals can store rainwater for later use, saving them the trouble of a long walk to a water source. However, as a lot of people live in remote locations inaccessible by vehicles, they have to come down to the collection points and carry the tanks back themselves, often on their backs and up narrow dirt paths.

vietnamese grannies carry water tanks
Image credit: Beatvn

Of course, the tanks they collected and carried uphill do not contain any water, but even then, each is estimated to be around 25-30KG. For elderly women to carry such a heavy burden, while climbing steep hills no less, is enough for us to tip our hats in respect for their strength and endurance.

vietnamese grannies carry water tanks
Image credit: Beatvn

Netizens show their admiration

Many netizens have taken to Facebook to show their admiration. Netizen Nguyễn Hồng Anh, for instance, wrote, “I don’t think I can walk up these hills even without luggage. True respect to these grannies.”

Image credit: Beatvn

Others also expressed sympathy at the harsh lives that these women lead and sent good wishes their way.

“I feel for these ladies looking at this. Wishing them health and happiness”
Image credit: Beatvn

Appreciate what we have and look out for others

While we all face hardships in life, it’s important to remember that there are less fortunate souls out there that struggle to meet even the most basic needs.

As a result, don’t hesitate to extend a helping hand to people who need it if you can. One simple act of kindness can help change someone’s life for the better.

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Cover image adapted from Beatvn

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