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Tiger Brokers app

This App Lets You Trade & Invest With Zero Fees For Newbies To Start Small

Tiger Brokers’ brokerage app

Enter Kelvin, a confused and antsy millennial/Gen Z first jobber. In the past 12 months alone, I’ve heard so much talk about the importance of investing early. 

Buzzwords and phrases like “compound interest”, passive income”, and “make your money work harder for you” haunt my very dreams – and it doesn’t help that I have the lofty ambition to buy my own HDB flat by the time I reach the ripe age of 35. The #FOMO is real, and I’m hard pressed to get started somewhere.

This is where Tiger Brokers (Singapore) comes to the rescue with its app. Zero is the name of their game, and this is reflected in its range of zero-fee deals that are perfect whether you are a novice or seasoned investor. Read on to find out more about what the app has in store for you.

Enjoy zero-fee deals on investments

You read that right – from now till the end of 2021, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) is running zero-fee deals across a variety of verticals. This is a huge part of its goal to make investments accessible to everyone – and it definitely speaks to someone who is hesitant to take that first step like me. 

Below are the zero-fee deals that they offer through the app:

1. Zero minimum transactions for Singapore Exchange (SGX) shares trading

Stock exchange

We can all attest to hefty minimum transactions scaring us from even getting started on investments. For me, the moment I see the little disclaimer minimum starting transaction of $5,000, my heart sinks as it’s not money I can throw to the winds – after all, a golden rule of investments is to only invest what you can afford to lose.

Thankfully, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) completely eliminates this stress when you trade in its full range of SGX shares, including sticks, ETFs, REITs, and DLCs. This means you can comfortably park a tiny amount of $100 and you’re good to go.

2. Zero subscription fees in Fund Mall investments

Funds are amongst the biggest guns of investments – when carefully chosen and monitored, they’ll deliver huge returns. However, they can also be expensive to invest in due to high fund and subscription fees.

Tiger Brokers platform
Easily select the fund you want to buy on the app
Image adapted from: Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd

That’s why from now till the end of the year, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) is offering zero sales charges for all funds in its in-house Fund Mall. On top of that, the minimum investment for each fund is light on your wallet at just USD100 (~S$136.15).

3. Zero commissions in futures trading

Tiger Brokers app
Image adapted from: Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Trading futures is widely considered to be riskier than regular equity trading. This is mainly because it involves speculation into, well, futures that are uncertain and volatile. Furthermore, commissions in futures trading can set you back quite a bit.

To help remove some of the stress from your trading efforts, Tiger Brokers (Singapore) is charging zero commissions for selected futures until the end of the year. This grants you easier access to its suite of futures, which span equity indices, energy, precious metals, and so on.

4. Zero interest for margin trading (first USD1,000 only)

See a promising company on the verge of clinching an IPO but can’t afford to pump funds towards it? Well,  you can loan the funds you need from Tiger Brokers (Singapore) at zero margin loan rates (first USD1,000 only). Relevant interest rates apply for any amount beyond your first USD1,000.

Tiger Brokers’ zero-fee promotion

Tiger Brokers app
Image credit: Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd 

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned stock trader, Tiger Brokers’ zero-fee deals will help lighten your load when you invest using its app. If you’re a newbie like me, this may just be the impetus we need to begin investing the money we set aside for savings each month.

Download Tiger Brokers’ app today

This post was brought to you by Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Cover image adapted from: Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“Tiger Brokers”) holds a Capital Markets Services License (CMS100844) under the Securities and Futures Act (Cap.289) and is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. T&Cs apply. Please visit our website for other applicable fees:
The information and materials provided here, whether or not provided on Tiger Brokers Singapore’ website/web pages, on third party websites, in marketing materials, newsletters, or any form of publication are provided for general information and circulation only.
The information expressed herein is current and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation, nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future stock performance. Investment involves risk. The price of investment instruments can and do fluctuate, and any individual instrument may experience upward or downward movements, and under certain circumstances may even become valueless. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
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