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mci savesmart

8 Signs You’re Well On Track To A 6-Figure Saving Before Hitting 30

Singaporean cheapo genius saving hacks 


  mci savesmart

So you want to be a millionaire…or at least put a deposit on your first home by the time you’re 30. 

Alas, the last time you checked your account balance, you counted about 2 zeroes behind the first number. Still got decimal point in between some more. You proclaim to yourself, ‘Alamak, I need eat cai png everyday for the next 20 years’. 

Brudder, no need so despo. If you’ve been doing at least 5 of the below, you’re already on your way to getting that 6-figure savings, confirm plus chop.


1. You are contented with the free simpler pleasures in life 


using sample makeup

 True happiness is when you kope samples at Sephora and ask the staff to help you do a full face of makeup because you want to ‘try first to see if it matches your skin tone’. 

True happiness is also when you make your way to Takashimaya food hall to kope all the samples until the serving aunty asks you whether ‘you full already or not’.

Before you know it, you’re headed on your night out with your face on point with dinner settled – all without having spent a single cent. The best things in life are free indeed.


2. You’re a master coder. Discount coder.


master coder gif

In order to get dat dough, you’ve been familiarising yourself with the different coding apps out there. 

As a master coder, the following lines come to you as naturally as ABC:

“Wait ah, I check my Grab notifications for promo code!”

“Guys, this restaurant got 50% off on Eatigo at 4pm!”

“Eh, Fave has a 5% promo code for IPL facial.”

If you’re still a novice, don’t worry. Someone well-versed in the coding industry has kindly provided tutorials for all the lobangs you’ll need in 2018 here and here. 😉 


3. Your golden rule: bring your own tissue > restaurant wet tissue 


not using restaurant tissue

Low SES, high SES, doesn’t matter. Any sensible Singaporean knows that the number 1 rule of dining at any restaurant is to bring your own tissue packet and say ‘no’ to the wet tissues neatly placed beside your plate. Just utter the sacred mantra: ‘We don’t need the braised peanuts and the wet tissues, gam sia (thank you)’. 

Instant slash of $2 off your total bill. Your bank account thanks you. 


4. You’re a thriving entrepreneur with a bustling online startup


You started your career as an entrepreneur ‘cos pocket money was tight and you have a tummy to feed. 

Years later, you’re a proud owner of a successful “online recycled fashion business”, stacking up those dollar bills like you’re making kueh lapis. Now the only thing that’s tight is your jeans. Dat’s right.

carousell business10/10 customer relations

If you wanna up your entrepreneurship game, check out our Carousell hacks here


5. Your dinner time has coincidentally merged with closing deals times.


discounted sushiImage credit: entengvince via WordPress

Your hunger clock has somehow shifted backwards, just in time for when the uncle slaps the 50% off sticker on the 6-pc sushi roll at NTUC counter at 9pm. 

It might have something to do with the nightmare you had about missing your utility bills and having your electricity supply cut off. Hmmm.


6. Go Taobao or go home


taobao gif

You’re out window shopping when something fancy catches your eye. But $169 for a piece of clothing? 

aint nobody got time for that gif

So you whip out your phone and snap a picture of the item, proceed to Taobao or Carousell to find an inspired, pre-loved or even the exact same piece being sold at a fraction of the retail price. 

It’s called being resourceful, okay.


7. You’re a subscription service freeloader


netflix freeloaderImage credit: Know Your Meme

Friend: Eh remember to sign out of my account later!

Me: Okay! *proceeds to sneakily binge-watch shows using their account till the end of time*

What about sneaky trial periods, you ask? 

dwight many faced god memeImage credit: PicSunday 

Lowly human: 1 email account. Signs up for Spotify premium after free trial. 

You, a many-faced god: 40 email accounts. Endless free trials. 


8. You tapao food in your bag to snack in the cinema


dabao food into cinema memeImage credit: @AngelaBrisk via Twitter

Look, popcorn combos are expensive. The theatre is cold. You need that extra bit of money to fund your Hai Di Lao hotpot feast later future house mortgage. That’s why you have to stuff snacks and drinks from home to munch on. 

Really. Sumpah. Shhhh. 


Establish good financial habits for a worry-free life


There are definitely better ways to save smart, and make your money work harder. If you’ve absolutely no idea what kind of saver you are, and MoneySENSE have set up an interactive site to offer practical money saving tips. 

mci savesmart websiteImage adapted from

A short 2-minute quiz at deftly informs you if you are a Curious Seeker, Contented Cruiser, or (gasp) Carefree Dreamer. You’ll then be served relevant tips specifically tailored to your savings profile to get your savings journey going. 

savesmart quizImage adapted from

Hey, we know adulting seems hard, but it doesn’t have to be. was created in mind to help millennials navigate through the fog of financial planning. Make the most out of this handy guide and you’ll be well on your way to your 6-figure savings!

Find out more about how to become money savvy here!

This post was brought to you by & MoneySENSE.