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Inmers Play Has A New Outlet In City Square Mall With Squid Game-Like Rooms From $15

Inmers Play at City Square Mall

If you’re keeping tabs on indoor things to do to beat the scorching sun, here’s a new addition: Inmers Play at City Square Mall. This cyber-game zone has 3 different experiences for you and your friends to spend an afternoon playing without subjecting yourself to the heat.

Don’t worry, you’ll still work up quite the sweat with all the jumping and dodging you have to do to make it through the different rounds.

What is Inmers Play?


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Inmers Play is an indoor digital games play area. The opening at City Square Mall marks the second outlet of the Inmers franchise, following the first one at Orto West Coast. However, Inmers Play at City Square Mall has a focus on the games instead of escape rooms.

The store has 3 games: Floor Is Lava Pro, Tip Top, and Devil Eyes, with the latter 2 games being exclusive to the City Square outlet. Though the games are more fun in big groups, it can still be a unique date idea. You can also choose which level of difficulty you’d like to play so families with little children are welcome, making it a great addition to your list of things to do with kids.

Each game is 20 minutes long and starts at $15/pax, depending on the game type and which day of the week you go.

What games are available at City Square Mall’s Inmers Play?

Floor is Lava Pro

Inmers Play Floor is Lava Pro
Image adapted from: @citysquaremall via Instagram

Inmers Play’s crowd favourite from their first outlet, Floor is Lava, is back at this outlet with the same pixel-dodging fun.

The game is straightforward: Avoid the red, stay on the green, and tap out the blue. As the rounds go on, the safe green pixels dwindle and fluctuate, needing you to put your squat practice to good use. Should you accidentally fall on the red “lava”, you’re either toast and have to sit out the rest of the rounds, or your team takes a hit on the scoreboard.

Floor is Lava starts at $18/pax on weekdays and $20/pax on weekends. Children 6 and under can enter for free.

Red Devil

Like Squid Game’s Red Light, Green Light, Red Devil requires you to be out of sight of large “Devil’s eyes” in the room. Rather than an eerie doll singing and staying still, you have to hide from the eye’s view once they turn red.

Inmers Play Red Devil
Image adapted from: City Square Mall

Each round has different tasks for you and your team, which involve pressing buttons in order and matching patterns. There is a central pillar to hide behind, but in a big group, only so many of you can climb on top of each other to evade the glowing orbs.

Red Devil starts at $16/pax on weekdays and $18/pax on weekends. Children 6 and under can enter for free.

Tip Top

Inmers Play Tip Top
Image adapted from: City Square Mall

A fun play on words, Tip Top is another cyber game that needs you to be at the top of your game by staying on your tippy-toes. Think Just Dance stations at arcades mixed with an obstacle course, one wrong move and your team loses points.

Tip Top starts at $15/pax. Children 9 and under can enter for free.

Get the gang together at Inmers Play

Inmers Play girl interacting with display
Image adapted from: @citysquaremall via Instagram

Test all your friends who say they can ace obstacle course reality shows like Takeshi’s Castle at Inmers Play. Plus, you’ll get a bonus workout too. Like most indoor game parks, reservations are encouraged to avoid long waiting and disappointment.

If you’re looking for other indoor group games, check out our list of the best escape rooms in Singapore, with rooms as low as $21.90, as well as our list of places to play laser tag. Those looking for game+workout duos can check out HomeTeamNS Khatib’s Adventure HQ indoor playground instead.

Google Reviews
180 Kitchener Rd, #05 - 04 City Square Mall, Singapore 208539
Opening Hours:
Tuesday 11:00 AM - 09:00 PM Show More Timings
Contact Information

Cover image adapted from: @citysquaremall via Instagram and City Square Mall