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Old Pokka Drinks Singapore Can Bottle Design

6 POKKA Drinks Even The OG Fanbase Never Knew Existed, From Bobo Tea To Strawberry Milk Teas

POKKA drinks that need a comeback

Old Pokka Drinks Singapore Can Bottle Design

Image adapted from: Cold Counter

POKKA’s Jasmine Green Tea is many things.

To Singaporeans, liquid gold. The elixir of life. Hey, it may as well be our national treasure.

We’ve covered its benefits and even taken you guys behind the scenes on how it’s made – but how much do we truly know about the rest of the POKKA family?

For the diehard fans that are quaking in their boots, we’ve done our research to give you everything you’ll need to know to be the #1 fan in Singapore, JB, and quite possibly anywhere else in the world.

1. Kiwi Milk Shake Drink

POKKA Kiwi Milk Shake Drink

Image credit: Cold Counter

It’s always a good time for a milkshake. Banana, chocolate, strawberry – you name it. But a kiwi milkshake? Never heard of it.

Until now, of course.

The Kiwi Milk Shake Drink used to be a part of POKKA’s Fruit Milk series, which also consisted of regular-flavoured milkshakes. Though these aren’t available anymore, you’ll still find Melon, Banana, and Strawberry flavoured milk drinks – and their adorable packaging – in stores today.

POKKA fruit milk drinks

Keep a lookout for these on your next grocery run
Images adapted from: POKKA

2. Sparklin’ Valencia Orange

We’ve all enjoyed a can of Sparklin’ Fuji Apple juice, but hardly of its elusive cousin: Sparklin’ Valencia Orange.

pokka sparkling drinks

Images adapted from: POKKA

 This fizzy perk-me-up was only a limited-time only release, and the Sparklin’ series had other special edition flavours too, like Eureka Lemon and Black Currant – all of which need to make a sparkling comeback, pronto.

But while we’re waiting, go straight for POKKA’s all new sparkling ice tea, Teazzle, that brings the two worlds of refreshing fizzy soda and fragrant brewed teas together. It’s all made with real juice and tea, and is Healthier Choice certified to boot – so you know it’s good for you. Mmhmm.

3. Collagen Water

collagen water POKKA

The word collagen is usually something you’d see thrown around in the context of facials and at the pharmacy, so finding out that Collagen Water was a part of the POKKA family was interesting.

For the clueless, collagen is a form of protein found in our connective tissues that’s said to have anti-aging properties, which POKKA picked up on to create this. Sipping on this peach-flavoured version of the supplement could just be the answer to younger skin for many while if only it were still in the market!

4. Lemon 1000

Hands up if you remember good ol’ Lemon 1000. *waves hands in the air like a maniac* 

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, chances are you’re too young to remember the early 2000s. And if you’re wondering where the ‘1000’ comes from, that’s ‘cuz the drink comes packed with 1000mg of vitamin C.

POKKA Lemon 1000 and lifeplus drink

Images adapted from: POKKA 

But here’s the thing: Lemon 1000 didn’t actually go anywhere. Turns out, POKKA’s just upgraded it to the spankin’ new Lifeplus. No need to fret about chugging down sugary lemonade either – the drink comes with good stuff like added zinc for an extra booster that activates vitamin C in our bodies.

5. Strawberry and Yuan Yang Milk Teas

POKKA Strawberry milk tea and yuan yang milk tea

There’s no doubt POKKA’s milk teas have a special spot in our hearts. It’s kinda like having zhng-ed up teh peng, which is always a good idea.

2 drinks I wished I’d noticed were Strawberry Milk Tea and Yuan Yang Milk Tea. The former was discontinued in place of upcoming new flavours, and yuan yang refers to a yummy mix of coffee and milk tea that was a limited-time-only product on the shelves.

If you’re feeling the FOMO from not getting to try these, rest assured that POKKA’s milk tea range continues to expand with a whole bunch of new flavours for us to enjoy.

6. Vitaene C

pokka vitaene c

Image credit: SuperMart

Teas and fruit juices are common in the POKKA household, but not so much functional drinks. Enter Vitaene C. This drink is said to improve one’s immune system thanks to – you guessed it – vitamin C, and came in 2 flavours: regular and sugar-free.

Though you’re not gonna see it anywhere in Singapore, this is a popular drink in the Middle East, where POKKA is the market leader. So if you’re looking to give this one a try, it’s time to book some plane tickets.

*Bonus* POKKA and Jackie Chan’s collab: Bobo Tea

POKKA bobo tea

Guys, it’s true. Bobo Tea is an actual product – and no, it’s got nothing to do with bubble tea as I’d imagined. What it has got to do with though, is Jackie Chan.

Yep, the one and only.

jackie chan meme

Me after finding out about the existence of Bobo Tea. 
Image credit: Kotaku

Bobo Tea quietly came into our lives in 1998 as a limited-edition special collaboration with the superstar, which explains why no one around me has actually seen the drink IRL. And unlike sugary boba (bubble) tea, Bobo Tea is actually a Chinese herbal drink with a slightly bitter taste.

POKKA through the years

From quirky concoctions like Kiwi Milk Shakes to the Jackie Chan-approved Bobo Tea, the POKKA drinks we know and love prove to be just the tip of the iceberg – kinda like meeting family members you never knew existed till reunion day.

So if it’s just been green tea running through your veins thus far, you can now cement your status as #1 fan with these new-found nuggets of information to show off to your friends.

pokka green tea over the years

The iconic Jasmine Green Tea, from past to present day. 

pokka ice lemon tea

My personal favourite has got to be Ice Lemon Tea, and seeing these old-school cans from the early 90s made me want to put them all into a time capsule. 

Here’s another fun fact for you: POKKA isn’t actually a Singaporean brand – it’s from Japan. It first reached our humble shores in 1977 and has since grown to become one of the leaders in Singapore’s beverage industry, with tonnes of partner brands under its wing such as Bundaberg, Evian, Pepsi, and even Red Bull.

They’ve also got strict quality control policies under their belt with zero preservatives added to any product. That’s why you’ll see every drink having the tagline “Under the strictest quality control of POKKA Sapporo Food & Beverage Ltd., Japan” – just look closely!

pokka carrot fruit juice

See the slimmer can of Carrot Fruit Juice? That was a special export version that was made for international markets.

pokka oolong tea

We saw the biggest change with the Oolong Tea range – those earlier cans date back to the 80s!

And if you’re itching for a drink at the moment, there’s no need to go too far, ‘cuz there are over 2,000 POKKA vending machines islandwide. The brand was also the first to develop such hot and cold drink machines, and its innovativeness has led to international expansions in over 60 countries.

POKKA Singapore

So whether you find yourself in the heartlands of Tampines or speciality stores while holidaying in Europe, there’s no doubt that POKKA continues to grow as a well-loved brand among Singaporeans. Just make sure to keep your eyes peeled for interesting launches POKKA brews up in the future so you don’t miss out!

Get your POKKA fix here!

This post was brought to you by Influential Brands 2018.