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Granny Afraid Of Getting Covid-19 Jab, Volunteer Hugs Her To Provide Emotional Support

Volunteer hugs granny as she gets her Covid-19 vaccine shot

After months of suffering from a heavy Covid-19 outbreak, Vietnam is rolling out mass vaccination programs across its major cities with plans of reopening in the final quarter of 2021. Hundreds of thousands of citizens are flocking to vaccination centers and medical checkpoints to get their shots.

But while most agree that the vaccination is necessary, some have morbid fears of needles that don’t simply disappear overnight. Thankfully, medical workers are always ready to help.

In the case of a volunteer at a vaccination point, he goes so far as to hug a granny give her a courage boost as she got jabbed. We’ve included the pictures below.

The volunteer hugs the granny to bolster her courage

Image credit: Zing News

Last weekend, photos of a cute little incident spotted went viral on several Vietnamese Facebook pages for their wholesomeness.

Taken at a vaccination spot in District 1, Saigon, they show an elderly lady leaning on a man in full protective gear with her eyes closed, wincing as another medical worker injects a dose of vaccine into her upper arm.

Evidently, the lady was too afraid of the needle, and the man – a volunteer at the facility – stood by her side to provide her with emotional support.

It was but one of many wholesome moments the volunteer had been involved in

Image credit: Zing News

The kind volunteer in the story is Mạnh Thiên, a senior student at the HCMC University of Theater and Cinema. And as the 22-year-old man shared with Zing News, it was but one of the many heartwarming moments he’d had while volunteering on the frontline.

“One time I assisted in bringing vaccines to elderly people who couldn’t come to the centers, and everyone was so nice. They gave me plenty of gifts to bring home. Another time my bike broke when I was on the road. I was fortunate enough to come across a mechanic, and as soon as he learned I was a volunteer, he fixed my bike for free even though his shop was closed,” Thiên recounted some other memorable stories.

Get your vaccine shots as soon as you can

We’re glad that the granny and many other citizens are getting their shots. If you haven’t yet, contact your local medical authorities to resister. Mass vaccination is a crucial step in preparing Vietnam for returning to a “new normal”, hopefully in the near future.

And of course, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to bring them up to medical staff and volunteers at Covid-19 checkpoints. Surely, they will be eager to help, as the young man in this story has proven.

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Cover image adapted from Zing News

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