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Man Turns Truck Into Mobile Home, Lives The Dream Life Of Constant Traveling With His Family

Man turns truck into mobile home to travel with his family

We all have our own ideas of what a vacation entails, but at its core, the process involves transport, accommodation, and food.

But it seems this man from Đồng Tháp, Vietnam decided he couldn’t be bothered with all that trouble every time he sets out on a trip. So, he’s turned his truck into a mobile home for his entire family to use on their travels.

The idea is admittedly not unheard of, but it’s amazing how much he’s managed to fit into such a small space. Let’s take a look below.

An entire mobile home fit inside a truck

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The “house” comes with modern amenities from a kitchen sink to a bed…
Video credit: Trí Đồng Tháp

29-year-old Võ Minh Trí, from Đồng Tháp Province, Vietnam, has recently found himself making headlines thanks to his outstanding project: turning his truck into a fully mobile home for traveling.

Indeed, despite being relatively small, the truck is well-equipped to fulfill all its passengers’ needs. Not only does it sport a bed, a kitchen, and even a bathroom, but also other amenities such as a refrigerator, a TV, an air conditioner, and more.

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…to a washing machine, an air conditioner, and a bathroom.
Video credit: Trí Đồng Tháp

Of course, there are functioning water and electric systems to support all that, which the owner said was the most difficult to install. He has to use solar cells for energy, and secure two tanks underneath the truck’s trunk – one for clean water, and the other for waste.

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There’s even a  TV as well.
Video credit: Trí Đồng Tháp

The entire project reportedly cost him VND1,000,000,000 (~USD43,466), including VND605,000,000 (~USD26,300) for the truck itself, and the rest for renovation.

A convenient way to take his family traveling

Image credit: Võ Minh Trí

Speaking to VNExpress, the truck’s owner shares that he designed this rather unconventional vehicle to have a convenient means to travel with his wife and kids. According to him, they often feel confined by city life and love going to natural sites to unwind.

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Image credit: Võ Minh Trí

He also clarifies that due to the COVID-19 outbreak, his family has only done a few small picnic trips close to their town since the truck’s completion. However, when the situation improves, they plan to travel across the entirety of Vietnam with it.

Let’s hope we can resume traveling in the near future

The truck owner’s motivation is something probably many of us, especially city folks, can relate to too well. After days of traffic noises and pollution, a quick getaway to a quiet spot in sync with nature can indeed do wonders for our mental health.

Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to postpone those plans for a little while longer, with the COVID-19 pandemic still a major threat in Vietnam. The best we can do for now is to stay put, and hope that this ordeal will be over soon.

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Cover image adapted from Trí Đồng Tháp

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