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5th Grader’s Phone Explodes As He Studies Online, Resulting In His Death

Student’s phone explodes during online study 

After the fourth Covid-19 wave struck Vietnam, most students across the country have resorted to learning from home. From a lack of learning instruments to technical issues, a variety of challenges can happen to students while taking classes online.  

For Nguyễn Văn Q., a 5th grader in Nam Đàn, Nghệ An, what he faced during online learning was tragic beyond measure. While he was taking an online class, his phone exploded and took his life. 

Here’s how the story unfolded.

9-year-old student was charging his phone while using it for online study

His phone explodes during online learning
Image credit:

Q. had been charging his phone with a portable battery charger during his afternoon online class on 14th October, VTC News reported. 

At 4PM, his phone exploded and his clothes caught fire rapidly. Q. sustained severe burns during the sudden incident and was rushed to the hospital.  

However, he couldn’t survive the injuries and passed on while en route to the hospital.

Hearing of the news, local authorities immediately visited Q.’s house to enquire about the issue and offer their condolences.

Local authorities gave warning about the hazards of online study

Nam Anh Primary School, which Q. attended.
Image adapted from:
Búp Sen Xanh

“Before launching online learning programs, we strictly warned students and teachers to not use their phones for online classes while charging them,” Mr Vương Hồng Thái, deputy head of Nam Đàn Ward, spoke to Nghệ An 24h. “This is a very unfortunate incident.” 

In fact, most students had returned to school for the past week already. 

However, due to the impact of the fast-approaching typhoon in the region, some local schools have resumed online learning to spare students hazardous trips.

Beware of the telltale signs and respond promptly

Electric devices or high-tech gadgets can come with technical hazards, and accidents can happen. While using them, we have to beware of alarming signs such as excessive heat or the smell of burning plastic components. Unplug your phone from its charger immediately in such a case, and above all, don’t use your phone while charging it. 

Besides, parents should also monitor their children’s online study and their use of cellphones as much as possible. In many cases, they can be too engrossed in their online environment that they forget to exercise precautionary measures. 

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Cover image adapted from: Pxhere

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