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Scooter Catches Fire Outside Fire Equipment Store, Staff Saves The Day With An Extinguisher

Scooter burst into flames in the right place, at the right time

Be it coincidence or divine favor, we all want to be in the right place at the right time. Because when we are, we usually achieve something desirable without trying, or in this case, are somehow miraculously saved.

That’s what happened to the man in this story whose scooter suddenly burst into flames right outside a fire equipment supply store.

Man’s scooter burned on the streets

fire supply store
Image adapted from: vnnn.official

On 27th April, footage showing a man’s scooter bursting into flames surfaced on TikTok page vnnn.official quickly went viral. 

As a young man was riding a scooter on the street, a truck driver saw smoke coming out of his storage trunk and alerted the man. He instantly got off his bike, opened the trunk, and saw bright orange flames.

The man responded to the emergency in the best way he knew how. He leaned closer to the trunk and started blowing into the flames with his mask still on. At the same time, he slammed the trunk cover a few times hoping to extinguish the flames. Unsurprisingly, his efforts didn’t pay off and the flames grew bigger.

fire supply store
Image adapted from: vnnn.official

Realizing that he needed help, the man ran away from the burning scooter to seek it.

Fire equipment supply store staff came to the rescue

fire supply store
Image adapted from: vnnn.official

Fortunately, the man’s scooter had caught fire right outside a fire equipment supply store. Another man from inside the store entered the frame of the video, approaching the scooter.

With a fire extinguisher in his hand, the man put out the fire in the blink of an eye, saving the day.

While the reason for this case of spontaneous combustion is unclear, this is not the first time a motorbike has burst into flames in Vietnam.

Scooter fires have sparked safety concerns

On 26th April, a scooter in Hanoi also caught fire on the streets and was burned to ashes.

In the aftermath of the incident, safety concerns have been raised. Motorbike drivers are advised to leave certain items out of their storage trunks. For example, battery chargers and gas-filled items such as lighters shouldn’t be kept in there.

That’s because the temperature inside storage trunks can rise sharply after a long ride, especially in hot weather. Batteries and firelighters are especially sensitive to high temperatures and might explode if kept in hot trunks for too long.

Fire equipment supply store staff helped to extinguish a burning scooter

It’s hard to tell what’s funnier about the viral clip, the part when the driver tried to blow out the flames or that the scooter burned in the right place. We’re also glad that no one was injured during the incident.

Be that as it may, let’s leave as little to chance as possible.

If you’re a scooter owner, do make sure that you have your vehicles checked and maintained regularly. Making an effort to leave flammable items out of our storage trunks could also go a long way.

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Cover image adapted from: vnnn.official

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