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Quarantined Man Plots Rope Escape Like Spider-Man, Gets Spotted & Climbs Back

Man attempts to escape quarantine with a rope

Over the past year, Vietnam has gained international recognition for its success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. We can attribute the success to the government’s quick and decisive measures to quarantine areas with high risks, and to citizens who actively comply with disease prevention protocol.

Every now and then, however, there are a few people who try to evade rules put in place to keep them safe, thereby putting the entire community at risk.

In this particularly notable case, a man went so far as to try and climb out of his quarantine facility with a rope. He did not succeed, but his modus operandi drew comparisons to Spider-Man, albeit he was a not-so friendly neighborhood version of the superhero.

An unsuccessful rope escape attempt from a quarantined building

apartment rope escape
Apartment 12T3 in Bùi Dương Lịch Street, Đà Nẵng, which is currently under quarantine
Image credit: Pháp Luật Online

As Thanh Niên reported, on the evening of 7th May, patrols around the quarantined Apartment 12T3 in Bùi Dương Lịch Street, Đà Nẵng spotted a rope hanging from a window on the third floor of the apartment. A man was clinging onto it, trying to climb down.

Upon hearing cries from below and realizing that his escape attempt had been discovered, the man ran back and hid inside the apartment.

As of the latest report, his identity has yet to be uncovered.

The apartment is under quarantine as a COVID-19 patient lives there

apartment supplies
Authorities providing supplies to residents in the apartment
Image credit: Thanh Niên

The apartment the man was trying to escape from has been placed under quarantine since 6th May. Previously, one of its 500 residents tested positive for COVID-19.

Over the past 24 hours, Vietnam has recorded the highest COVID-19 tally spike since the pandemic first hit the country, with 87 cases reported yesterday evening and another 80 this morning.

30 of these new cases are discovered in Đà Nẵng, the majority of whom are staff members at the AMIDA Cosmetic Spa, currently a major cluster of the city.

Let’s all be responsible to protect the community

The current COVID-19 situation in Vietnam might be of concern to citizens, due to the dozens of daily cases reported across many cities and provinces. Yet, we have pulled through several outbreaks in the past, and we surely can do it again.

But of course, that can only be achieved if each of us pulls our weight. If you’ve been to high-risk areas, remember to contact local authorities to complete a health declaration. They’ll also help instruct you on the best courses of action, so we can keep our community safe.

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Cover image adapted from Pháp Luật Online

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