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24-Year-Old Man Dies In Traffic Accident, Organs Donated To Save 4 Others

Traffic accident victim’s organs donated to save 4 lives

Death is a topic we often avoid talking about, yet it is an important part of life. As sad as it is, we all have to depart from this world at some point.

Still, death doesn’t necessarily mean the end. Even when we’re gone, we’ll still live on in the memories of our loved ones and in the legacies we leave behind.

Such is the case for this 24-year-old man who got caught in a traffic accident. Though he was taken away from us so young, his donated organs saved 4 other lives, and his noble gesture will be remembered forever.

He got caught in a traffic accident and didn’t make it

doctors honor organ donor
Doctors at Bà Rịa Hospital honoring the donor before removing his organs

Image credit: Bệnh viện Bà Rịa

In the early hours of 2nd May, 24-year-old T.H.P., who lived in Vũng Tàu City, was rushed to the local Bà Rịa Hospital following a traffic accident. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it and was pronounced brain-dead shortly after.

doctors taking organ from donor
Image credit: Bệnh viện Bà Rịa

The patient’s mother, upon hearing from his friends that he often told them he wanted to be an organ donor, made the heartbreaking decision to honor his wish.

After the necessary procedures, the patient’s organs – including his heart, liver, and 2 kidneys – were successfully taken on 4th May.

Though he’s gone, the young man saved 4 other lives

organs taken
Image credit: Bệnh viện Bà Rịa

The donated organs were then quickly transported to the Chợ Rẫy Hospital and the University Medical Center in Hồ Chí Minh City, 120KM away, for transplantation.

According to Dr. Dư Thị Ngọc Thu from Chợ Rẫy Hospital, once removed from the donor’s body, the heart must be transplanted to another patient within 6 hours, the liver in 12 hours, and the kidneys in 24 hours. Thankfully, with help from local police, the organs made it to their destinations in time despite traffic conditions. Doctors then worked hard to transplant them in 4 other patients.

By 6th May, it was reported that all 4 receivers’ conditions are stable.

Our condolences go to the donor’s family

While donating organs is mostly considered a noble gesture, the act is still frowned upon by a part of the Vietnamese population. Some believe that a person’s body is sacred and must be left untouched so that the deceased can rest in peace.

There have also been reported cases where organ donors’ families suffer from ill-willed rumors and gossip from neighbors claiming they sold their loved ones’ bodies for money.

It must have been a hard decision for the donor’s mother to make. We extend our deepest condolences and gratitude to her and her son, on behalf of the patients they’ve saved, as well as those who have been moved by his story.

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Cover image adapted from Bệnh viện Bà Rịa

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