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Company Pitches 500 Tents On-Site For Quarantined Employees After 120 COVID-19 Workplace Cases Emerge

Company pitches tents for quarantined employees 

Over the past 2 months, Saigon has been reporting locally acquired COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.

The rapid spread of the virus has triggered a significant rise in cases across Vietnam’s largest city, threatening to overstrain the medical system.

After 120 COVID-19 cases were registered at Nidec Sankyo, a company in a local high-tech industrial park, thousands of its employees were quarantined on the spot. To provide its staff with temporary shelter, Nidec Sakyo pitched around 500 tents in its parking space.

Parking basement turned into a quarantine facility with 500 tents

COVID-19 quarantine tents
Image credit: Zing News

After recording 120 COVID-19 cases, Nidec Sankyo suspended its operations for 2 days starting from 3rd July. All employees were also quarantined on the spot.

To make sure that there was enough space to accommodate its employees, the company management turned its parking space into a makeshift quarantine facility.

COVID-19 quarantine tents
Image credit: Zing News

500 tents were pitched on 3 levels of parking space, which spans 4,500 square meters. 

COVID-19 tests are conducted daily, and infections always emerge among the quarantined staff. The people who test positive for COVID-19 and their direct contacts are immediately transferred to a local hospital for advanced treatment, and their tents are disinfected.

COVID-19 quarantine tents
Image credit: Zing News

Living in daily anxiety, a staff member told Zing News, “The emergence of new cases among us after every test is worrisome. I can’t help but feel nervous whenever I’m called for the daily test as I also bear the risks of becoming infected or in close contact with an infected person.”

COVID-19 situation in Saigon

COVID-19 quarantine tents
Image credit: Zing News

Over the recent weeks, pictures and videos of Saigon residents going for COVID-19 tests have been shared widely. Due to the steady rise in daily cases, many of which are unlinked, local authorities have made a point of testing all Saigon residents.

Since 27th April, Saigon has recorded 6,905 locally acquired cases. As of today, 230 new cases have been reported, according to Suc Khoe Doi Song.

The medical crisis in Saigon is getting so severe that volunteers in other provinces have been summoned to assist with mass testing and treatment. 

Let’s get tested when possible

Saigon is going through an unprecedented time, with the number of active cases rising daily and financial downturn plaguing the city. 

The constant spike in infected cases has put tremendous pressure on our medical system, such as the increased bed occupancy rates and overstretched testing capabilities.

At this point, it’s up to individuals to take proper measures to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Let’s get tested whenever possible, stay indoors when we can, and mask up when we hit the roads.

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Cover image adapted from: Zing News

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