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Man Grows Meter-High Marijuana Plants In His Garden, Police Confiscate 117 In Total

Man grows marijuana in his garden

When it comes to deciding what to plant in your garden, there are many options you can choose from. From vegetables that your family can eat such as eggplants to eye-catching ground covers for landscaping such as Blue Rug Juniper, these are all great choices for an urban garden.

For a gardener in Thanh Hoa Province, none of these can compare with marijuana – one of the most popular drugs in the world.

Here’s how the story unfolds.

Police confiscate 117 marijuana plants in man’s garden

man grows marijuana
Image credit: Bao Giao Thong

While patrolling a neighborhood, Thanh Hoa police passed by the garden of 47-year-old resident Pham Van Chuong. 

To the officers’ surprise, inside the garden were plenty of marijuana plants rising to a height of 1.3 to 1.9 meters. They looked ripe and ready to be harvested. 

A few moments later, they really were.

All of the plants, which totaled 117, were confiscated by police officers. 

According to Bao Giao Thong, Chuong admitted to buying cannabis seeds in Dien Bien Province and planted them in his garden. 

More people in Vietnam are cultivating marijuana 

man grows marijuana
A couple dried cannabis in their wardrobe
Image credit: VOV

Obviously, marijuana is having a moment in Vietnam these days. 

From a drug dealer mixing bubble tea with weed to a man growing cannabis on the bank of the Red River, we’re seeing a growing supply of this illegal plant. 

On 2nd July, a couple in Hanoi were found drying cannabis in their wardrobe, VOV reported. 

Over the years, the possession and consumption of marijuana have been a much-debated topic in Vietnam. Many have advocated the use of marijuana, which is known to relieve certain types of chronic pain.

Nonetheless, this psychoactive drug remains illegal in Vietnam. 

Cultivation, possession, or consumption of cannabis can result in a maximum of 3 years in prison, with a possible fine of VND5,000,000 (~USD86.89), under the Criminal Code 2015.

It’s illegal to grow marijuana in Vietnam

There are different reasons why people choose to cultivate and consume marijuana. Some smoke pot for recreational purposes, while some use it as a painkiller.

Whatever the reason is, the fact remains that it’s illegal in Vietnam.

To avoid a run-in with the law, get cannabis off the list for your next seed-shopping trip. 

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Cover image adapted from: Bao Giao Thong

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