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Man Who’s Asked To Self-Isolate Walks 130KM Home, Family Denies Him Entry

Man asked to self-isolate, walks 130KM home

As COVID-19 prevention procedures in Vietnam go, all first-hand contacts of a COVID-19 patient – whom we often call “F1”s – are taken into quarantine camps. Meanwhile, secondary contacts – or “F2”s – are instructed to self-isolate at home.

But one particular F2 looks like he’s taken the instruction a bit too literally. Rather than staying where he was, the man walked 130KM all the way back to his hometown, only to be denied entry by his family.

Here’s how the incredible scenario played out.

The journey took him 6 days

security post bac giang
A COVID-19 security post in Bắc Giang Province

Image credit: VTV

Last Tuesday, VTV reported on the bizarre scenario of a certain 30-year-old Mr. T.V.D. The man lived in Bắc Giang Province – currently a major COVID-19 cluster. He was identified as a COVID-19 patient’s secondary contact and was instructed to self-isolate at home from 31st May to 22nd June.

However, it would seem he had a more unconventional interpretation of the term “at home” than what common sense may dictate.

On 2nd June 2021, he set out to walk all the way back to his hometown in Quảng Ninh Province, 130KM away.

The journey took him 6 days. By 7th June, he finally reached his destination.

Alas, this isn’t one of those stories where the weary wanderer receives his much-needed rest.

His family denied him entry

man walks 130km home
(Photo for illustrative purposes only)

Image credit: Lao Động

As Mr. D. arrived at home, his family refused to open the door for him. Instead, they insisted that he report to local medical authorities to adhere to disease prevention measures the proper way, which he did.

The man will now spend the next 3 weeks at a quarantine camp. He was also tested for COVID-19, which yielded a negative result.

Man denied entry home after he walks 130KM

While Mr. D.’s action was technically a breach of protocols, we do have to acknowledge his incredible resilience.

Also, props to his family for firmly adhering to safety measures put in place by authorities.

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Cover image adapted from Lao Động, for illustrative purposes only

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