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Busy Filming His Friend Grass Skiing, Man “Crash Landed” On Another Skier

A man fell on a grass skier’s lap while recording a video

From stumbling to being hit by a vehicle, many accidents caused by people and moving objects happen on a daily basis because people are too busy on their phones to pay attention to anything else.

For the man in the story, his accident couldn’t have been more hilarious as he fell on another skier’s lap while being too engrossed recording a video of his friend grass skiing.

Man fell on a grass skier’s lap while filming his friend

In a video posted on a Facebook group Ký Sự Đường Phố- BEATVN on 12th August, a man was captured getting into an accident that couldn’t have been more awkward.

In the short video that was originally shared on TikTok, a man clad in black, was seen holding up his phone to film his female friend on her grass skiing sled.

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The man in black was busy filming his female friend
Image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

As an attentive and helpful friend, he started filming her from the moment she was getting ready until she started steering her sled down a grass slope.

Keen to film his friend skiing from a good angle, he kept moving backward to put her in a wider shot.

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The man deviated into another skier’s lane
Image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

Being too engrossed in filming his friend, the man unknowingly stepped into the lane of another driver who was about to whiz down the slope.

Before anyone could react, the grass skier’s sled was sliding down too fast and knocked into the man who was filming and completely unaware of what was going on.

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Image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu 

The collision made the man fall backwards right into the skier’s lap, while the female friend was still enjoying her ride without knowing what had happened.

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Image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

Both the skier and the man who fell into his lap must have been very shocked in that fateful moment, but they had no choice but to put up with each other as the sled continued to slide down and up another slope.

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Image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

Fortunately, this unexpectedly heart-throbbing ride ended safely for both of them, and only until the end of the ride did the man’s female friend realize the awkward accident that had happened.

It remained unknown as to how these 2 guys faced each other after the ride, but this accident could have been fate’s way of making them get to know each other. 

Netizens totally shipped them

This video has garnered over 1,000 likes on Ký Sự Đường Phố – BEATVN at the time of writing, as well as hilarious comments from netizens.

Facebook user Vu Hoang Van commented on the video, “Now I believe that destiny is a real thing.”

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Image credit: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

When the time is right, the stars will align.” Facebook user Vân Anh Hoàng wrote in the comment section.

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Image credit: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

“After that ride, the cameraman and the girl broke up.” Facebook user Nguyễn Hoàn joked, presuming that the girl whom the man was filming was his girlfriend.

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Image credit: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

The danger of being hooked on your phone all the time

Cell phone use has become so mainstream these days that the sight of people fixing their eyes on their phones in public is quite familiar. What many don’t realize is that their lack of attention to their surroundings can cause accidents.

We have seen many cases in which pedestrians were hit by vehicles for not paying attention while crossing the streets, or children getting into accidents because their parents were too distracted by their phones to keep an eye on them.

Man fell on a grass skier while trying to film his friend

Even though this story has a happy ending with a funny twist to it as both guys finished their ride safely, had the sled moved at faster speeds, both the man and the skier could have endured serious injuries.

There’s nothing wrong with taking photos or filming your joyful moments, but remember to pay attention to your surroundings so you can keep yourself and everyone else safe.

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Cover image adapted from: Nguyễn Đức Hậu

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