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Hanoi Man Sets Up Free Ice Tea Booth In Heatwave For Delivery Drivers To Quench Their Thirst

Free ice tea booth to help delivery drivers

Hanoi is infamous for its harsh summer. When heatwaves strike, simply going outside for a few minutes can leave you dizzy and drenched in sweat. Thankfully, with no shortage of delivery services available these days, we rarely have to go outside anymore. With just a few swipes on the phone, we can enjoy anything we need from the comfort of our AC room, from bánh mì to bubble tea and coffee.

However, delivery drivers – the reason we can afford this luxury – are not so lucky. Due to the nature of their job, they have to stay out in the sun all day, every day, which in itself is already a physically draining task.

Understanding their hardship, a man has set up a free ice tea booth in Hanoi to provide refreshment for delivery drivers and other outdoor laborers passing by.

Ice tea and cool towels on offer for free

To lend a helping hand to delivery riders and other laborers who have to work outdoors in the heat to make a living, Phong Tùng, a man from Hanoi, has set up a free ice tea booth on the sidewalk of a major street in the city for everyone to have some refreshment if they need it.

Image credit: Phong Tùng

Located at number 331 Nguyễn Trãi Street, which sees frequent traffic, the simple tea booth comes with a metal tank containing tea, an ice box, stools, paper cups, and a trash can for people to throw the cups in when they’re done drinking.

A GrabBike driver parked his bike on the road and stopped by for a quick drink
Image credit: Phong Tùng

As the booth is right next to the road, drivers passing by can just park their bikes next to the sidewalk and sit down for a quick sip.

A street vendor sitting down to rest
Image credit: Phong Tùng

Of course, if someone wants to sit down and rest their legs for a bit, the stools are always ready.

Netizens show their appreciation

Phong Tùng’s small yet meaningful act of kindness quickly captured the attention of Vietnamese netizens, who then shared it on several popular forums to spread the word. Within hours, the story has received thousands of compliments, with many thanking the generous man for his deed.

“Your action is admirable. On behalf of all ride-hailing drivers, thank you,” a Facebook user named Phạm Minh Hoàn wrote.

Image credit: Tùng Đăng

Another user, Enh Chung, commented: “Tried it. The tea is cool, but it warms the heart. Thank you, brother.”

Image credit: Tùng Đăng

Hanoi man helps delivery drivers with free ice tea

Charitable acts like Phong Tùng’s have certainly brightened up the days of many outdoor workers and made their daily struggles a little bit more bearable. We all should also show our appreciation for our delivery drivers who are withstanding the heat so that we don’t have to.

One small act from you – even something as simple as bringing them a glass of water – will no doubt stay with them for a long time.

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Cover image adapted from Phong Tùng and @chimsebeo

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