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Man Gets Robbed, Reports To Police, Gets Arrested Himself For Selling Drugs

Drug seller reports robbers, gets arrested himself

Drug use is strictly banned in Vietnam, but that hasn’t stopped some people from engaging in the trading of such substances to make some illegal cash.

One would expect these individuals to try their best to avoid authorities. However, one drug seller from Vietnam seems to defy this logic. Apparently, the man still counted on the protection of the law despite his illegal activities. So, when he was robbed on his way to deliver drugs to his buyers, he came to the police to report the incident.

To be fair, he did help the police catch the robbers. But of course, he then had to answer for his crimes himself.

Here’s how the bizarre situation played out.

He delivered “goods” to his buyers, but they robbed him instead

The robbers were quickly arrested

Image credit: Báo Giao Thông

According to Pháp Luật Online, on 19th July, 23-year-old Nguyễn Thái Thành Tâm, living in Saigon, came to the local police station to report a robbery.

From what Tâm said, he was selling a computer component on the Internet, when three men contacted him and asked to buy it.

As he delivered the order to them, however, they didn’t pay up but robbed him instead. They took both the computer component and his motorbike.

After receiving the notice, the police quickly conducted an investigation and captured the robbers on the evening of the same day.

But that was when a twist no one expected was revealed.

The robbery victim was actually selling drugs

drug seller reports robbers 2
The bike of the robbery victim/drug seller

Image adapted from Pháp Luật Online

Searching of the robbers’ house turned up several packages of drugs. Upon being questioned, they revealed that they had obtained the drugs from none other than their victim.

As it turned out, Tâm had lied from the start. He had agreed to sell not a computer component, but drugs to the men before they robbed him.

Following the revelation, Tâm was also detained, alongside an accomplice he worked with.

Further investigation on the case is still ongoing.

Let lawbreakers be judged fairly

It is unclear to us why the drug seller committed such an act. Perhaps he was angry at his robbers and wanted to get back at them at all costs, or perhaps he thought he could lie his way out of getting captured.

In any case, though he did help bring the robbers to justice, it’s only reasonable that he answers for his own crimes as well.

We hope the man will be judged fairly, both for his contributions and for his violations.

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Cover image adapted from Báo Giao Thông

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