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Covid-19 Patient Climbs Fence Out Of Quarantine Center, Wanted To Gather Herbs For Self-Treatment

Covid-19 patient climbs out of quarantine camp to gather herbs for self-treatment

Covid-19 has been around for over a year now, but so far, there is no specific cure for infected patients. For now, all we can do is keep them in quarantine to minimize the spread of the virus, and wait for the disease to run its course.

But as the disease includes some symptoms similar to those of the common cold, namely fever and coughing, some people have resorted to traditional methods such as herbal steam inhalation in hope of alleviating the discomfort.

It’s unclear whether these methods actually work. But if people believe they do, we’d say there’s no harm in letting them try.

That is, unless they climb out of their quarantine center in search of herbs for the purpose, as a Covid-19 patient in Vietnam has recently done. Here’s how the story plays out.

The patient tried to find mint for her Covid-19 self-treatment

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Image credit: Tuổi Trẻ

As Tuổi Trẻ reported, on the afternoon of 12th July, a COVID-19 patient was spotted climbing through a hole in the wall of her quarantine center to go outside.

The incident happened at a quarantine facility in Phú Yên Province. Another patient saw the act and took a picture to report to authorities.

The quarantine facility’s management board later asked the patient to clarify her action. The woman said she only climbed out to find mint leaves, which she intended to use for herbal steam inhalation.

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The woman was looking for mint leaves for steam inhalation

(Photo for illustrative purposes only)
Image credit: Điện Máy Xanh

The patient was reportedly only out for a short time before she climbed back in, and she didn’t come into contact with anyone.

The case has been reported to local police

Tuổi Trẻ says the case has been reported to local police, who will decide upon further courses of action.

No other information is disclosed. However, as the patient’s action counts as a violation of disease prevention protocols, a fine is likely due.

Stay on high alert to protect the community

The patient in this story might have thought that her action was harmless, but it still needed to be judged according to the laws, lest it set a bad example for others to follow in the future.

Luckily, this time her action didn’t spiral into anything out of control. But let this be a reminder to us that Covid-19 is a major danger to society, and each and every moment of carelessness can potentially cost us dearly.

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Cover image adapted from Tuổi Trẻ and Điện Máy Xanh, right panel for illustrative purposes only

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