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Saigon Residents Dress Up As Delivery Drivers To Go Out, Authorities Issue Strict Warning

Saigon residents pretend to be delivery drivers to go out

It’s not exactly fun to be in Saigon right now. With the city under strict Covid-19 social distancing rules, residents are cooped up at home pretty much 24/7, save for trips out for essential reasons such as buying groceries.

We all have our own ways to cope with the situation, of course. But while many channel their creativity into wholesome solutions that both serve themselves and protect the community, such as bringing their weddings online, some others are just as quick to exploit loopholes in the rules for their own benefits.

For instance, as delivery drivers are still allowed to operate, some Saigon residents have dressed up as these drivers for the chance to go out without getting fined.

Authorities are aware of the situation, and here’s what they have to say.

Drivers will be monitored more carefully

residents delivery drivers 1
Photo for illustrative purposes only

Image credit: Thanh Niên

Người Lao Động reports that officers at various Covid-19 security posts around Saigon have spotted many citizens donning Grab or Gojek uniforms to pretend to be delivery drivers.

Apparently, these people thought doing so would allow them to go out even without essential reasons, as delivery services are still allowed to operate.

However, such schemes can easily be busted with a quick check. Most often, these fake drivers don’t have the delivery apps on their phones, nor can they prove they have an active delivery order.

Speaking to Tuổi Trẻ, an official said Saigon’s authorities are aware of the situation and have asked for extra surveillance to prevent further similar cases. If the issue persists, stricter measures might be implemented.

Delivery drivers will only be allowed to transport essential goods

residents delivery drivers 2
(Photo for illustrative purposes only)

Image credit: Thanh Niên

Also according to Người Lao Động, HCMC Department of Transport is consulting the city’s People’s Committee to issue further directives, according to which delivery drivers are only allowed to transport essential goods. Those spotted carrying non-essential products will be fined.

The specific amount of fine is not stated. However, according to Article 12 of Decree 117/2020/NĐ-CP, violations of disease prevention protocols in general entail a fine of VND1,000,000-VND3,000,000 (~USD43.23-USD129.70).

Follow the government’s orders to stay safe and protect the community

Perhaps these drivers thought it harmless to drive around even amidst a pandemic, as they rarely come into contact with anyone doing so.

We can see where their logic came from, but with Saigon recording thousands of new Covid-19 infections daily, what we need right now are tight security measures, where no exceptions can be made.

It sounds harsh, we know, but it’s the best way to overcome this ordeal. So, despite the inconveniences, do refrain from going out for now to protect yourselves and the community.

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Cover image adapted from Thanh Niên, for illustrative purposes only

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