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Man Puts Up “Stay Away From My Wife” Sign At Wife’s Kiosk, Netizens Crack Up At His Message

Husband puts up “Stay Away From My Wife” sign

To reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, which spreads from one person to another, minimizing physical contact is crucial. Even though social distancing has become compulsory in Vietnam these days, not many people are mindful of it in real life. 

To help his wife, a take-out seller, stay safe amid COVID-19, the husband did the unthinkable

Here’s how the story unfolds.

Husband helps wife stay safe amid COVID-19 with a sign

COVID-19 sign
Photo is for illustration purposes only
Image credit: VnEpxress

In a post on a Facebook group Cháo Hành Miễn Phí on 12th July, Facebook user Chanh Chanh shared the true story of her dad that can make you laugh out loud. 

According to the OP, her mother has a kiosk that sells take-outs. 

To remind her buyers of the safety rule, her mother put up a sign that reads “Keep A 2M Distance” in front of her food kiosk. 

However, many people ignored the message and kept thronging her for breakfasts. 

Fearing for her safety, her mother asked her father, “Can you help me come up with a sign that reminds people to keep their distance? We’re living in the COVID-19 time so we need to be careful.”

 A caring husband the OP’s father is, he immediately set to work. 

He comes up with a unique COVID-19 prevention message

The man reassured his wife, “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure that the sign that I’m making will keep people away from you.”

Intrigued by her father’s hint, Chanh Chanh peeked at the board that her father was writing on.

COVID-19 sign
Image credit: Chanh Chanh

It said, “Stay Away From My Wife”. 

To assert the importance of keeping a distance, he enlarged the size of the words “Stay Away” so they stood out. 

As if that message was not assertive enough, the writer ended it with 3 punctuation marks. 

While his intention was to encourage everyone to observe safe distancing, the message sounded like he was warning the world that she was spoken for. A sign like this can make people think that this is a public display of affection from a husband to his wife, rather than a safety reminder.

Unsurprisingly, his funny and relatable sign has given many netizens’ funny bones a workout. 

Netizens crack up at his sign

Since the post went live, it has garnered 9,200 likes at the time of writing, with over 400 comments praising the doting husband’s adorable gesture.

COVID-19 sign
Image adapted from: Chanh Chanh

Facebook user Phùng Khánh Duy complimented the writer’s creativity, “Lord of content.”

COVID-19 sign
Image adapted from: Chanh Chanh

“This is so cute. Besides, his handwriting is really nice.” Facebook user Hà Huỳnh commented on the post.

Remember to observe social distancing

As easily misunderstood and hilarious the sign is, the husband’s over-the-top care for his better half’s safety is heart-melting.

The story also reminds us of the significance of safe distancing. 

If you happen to be in public for an essential trip, try to reduce close interaction with people around you by keeping a distance. Restricting your contact with people can curb the virus transmission and keep everyone safe.

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Cover image adapted from: Chanh Chanh and VnEpxress

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