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World Cleanup Day in Singapore

The Litterati App Helps Track Your Efforts To Keep Singapore Clean When You Pick Up Trash

Clear waste with the Alliance to End Plastic Waste & Litterati

If you think environmental waste isn’t such a big deal in clean and green Singapore, here’s an alarming fact: we picked up over 2 tons of litter in a single day during one of the many coastal clean up efforts last year. While most of us law-abiding citizens dispose of our litter properly, public litter is still an issue—and it’s time we do something about it again.

Whether you’re passionate about the environment, or just looking for a fruitful way to spend your weekend, all are welcome to join the Alliance To End Plastic Waste for the ALL_TOGETHER SINGAPORE CLEANUP campaign. It’s a free event, and here’s how you can get started: 

P.S. Remember to keep a mask on and maintain social distance while you’re picking up litter!

Reduce waste with the Alliance on World Cleanup Day

World Cleanup Day in Singapore - BeachImage credit: Public Hygiene Council 

You don’t have to be any part of a volunteer group to take part in World Cleanup Day. All you have to do is download the Litterati app on the App Store or Google Play and set up an account to declare your participation. From there, head over to the Challenges tab, key in CLEANSG, and you’ll automatically be enrolled in the ALL_TOGETHER SINGAPORE CLEANUP.

As you collect litter, snap a photo of the things you’ve picked up and upload it onto the app—you’ll be able to see your entries in the challenge after that. Be sure to don comfy clothes, gloves, a mask and close-toed shoes while you’re out there to protect yourself from hazards like glass. 

Rubbish on beachLoads of rubbish tend to wash up on places like East Coast Park during monsoon season
Image credit: Kenneth Wong

If you aren’t quite sure where to start, consider heading down to beachy areas like East Coast Park or Pasir Ris Park as those places tend to have the most amount of litter. Alternatively, keep yourself close to home by cleaning up the area around your housing estate together with your family members or even your neighbours.

While you’re at it, do remember that social distancing rules apply. If you’re heading out with your fam or your pals, make sure you keep your masks on at all times and maintain a safe distance from the people around you.

Track the amount of litter you pick up using the Litterati app

Doing your part to save the environment is one thing, but knowing that you’re part of a huge cause is another meaningful feat altogether. And by joining the ALL_TOGETHER SINGAPORE CLEANUP with Litterati, you’ll be able to see real-time numbers that point to just how much you—and your fellow Singaporean participants—have achieved. 

Litterati AppYou can see how much litter was picked up individually and globally
Image credit: Farzana Fattah

Bring your phone along and use the in-app camera to take a picture of all the litter you pick up. The in-built LitterAI tool will take note of the number of things you’ve picked up and will also suggest tags for them—like cigarette butts and plastic bags—which will then be filed away in the Litterati database.

Once that’s all done, you can then see the total number of litter you’ve collected, as well as that of all the other participants, which will give you a clearer picture of what you’ve achieved throughout the day.

World Cleanup Day in Singapore - picking up litter

These numbers will also help put into perspective just how much waste is out there. It’s also a nudge towards a more sustainable lifestyle, where you can be more mindful of how much plastic waste you consume on the daily.

Clean up waste with the Alliance To End Plastic Waste

Waste in the environment  is an ongoing issue all over the world, but here on our sunny shores, we can do something about it by joining forces with the Alliance to keep our environment waste-free

Before getting your hands dirty, check out the full deets at the ALL_TOGETHER SINGAPORE CLEANUP page and download the Litterati app to join in the cause. 

Other than clocking in the amount of litter you’ve taken care of, the app also highlights the total amount of litter picked up by everyone involved in Singapore—a gratifying way to show all participants the results of their efforts.

Download the Litterati app here 

This post was brought to you by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and Litterati
Photography by Pepita Wauran