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The Value Of Money

What is the value of money?

No, I don’t mean the economical value of money that involves the prices, stocks and mathematical calculations. What I have been trying to figure out all along, is what exactly does money stands for?

In the cut-throat world today whereby everyone is seemingly on an aimless and meaningless pursuit for monetary wealth, I wonder how many of us actually stop for just a moment and lead ourselves into a pensive thought about the value of money. Why are we in such an endless chase for it?

Of course, money is essential for basic survival. For the purchase of daily materials we need in our lives to sustain our living, etc etc. But people always seem to want more than they need. And the excess portion of the wealth is largely, and generally spent on lavishing ourselves with materialistic goods that fulfills our desires for a better quality and standard of living. 

But is it truly putting the money we worked so hard for in good use? Is it really worth it to fight so hard for the money, pre-occupying ourselves with the incessant need to earn more than what we need? Ultimately, what do we achieve besides all the wealth?

It must have been the previous generation, our parents, that took precedence into the start of this vicious cycle of materialistic trappings. As the younger generation of my age embark on the journey of adolescence, we begin to understand and realize more acutely, that money is essential in our daily lives. Especially when the younger generation are accustomed to such comfortable lifestyles, they are even more inclined to the thought of making as much money as they can in the future, to be able to enjoy the comforts of such lifestyle and make sure their family don’t have to abandon the sanctuary of such decent lives. 

And that said, I am always deeply disappointed by the superficiality of this world and the pervasiveness of such attitude people have worldwide. It seems as though money outweighs the more intangible and yet equally, or if not, even more crucial things in life such as inner happiness, an emotional balance, family ties and friendships. Finer things in life, the simply joys and pleasures we can derive from are sadly, forgotten and neglected by many of us whom are too caught up in the flux of city life and the need to earn more, more, more money.

It would be undeniably a harsh condemnation to label money as the source of trouble. It is more so, that it is us whom form such an integrated and ubiquitous social problem that seems impossible to resolve. I simply hope that people in the future can learn to look beyond one’s financial power and the need to get richer because one’s wealth need not necessary be measured by money alone. I sincerely wish that I would not be a pathetic victim of need to make an inordinate amount of money to suffice my wants rather than needs, and to meet the standards of wealth dictated by this scornful and condescending society that despises the poor.