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We Tried Traditional Chinese Medicine That Will Creep You Out – Singaporeans Try: Episode 25

Lizards And Bees And… Ducks?! Oh My!


They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But in this episode of Singaporeans Try, we didn’t have the pleasure of trying different types of apples. Instead, we got the bitter taste of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With more than 2,000 years of history, Traditional Chinese Medicine is seen by many as a credible alternative to Western medicine. But considering what we went through in this episode, I’m sure many of us would rather live a life of unhealthiness. I mean, nobody could really want to eat or drink bees or lizards voluntarily right? 

Since it is Singaporeans Try and we don’t have much say on what we get to try, all the victims had to toughen their tastebuds – and their stomachs – to try these weird Chinese remedies. 

Want to see who survived the ordeal and who threw it all up? Watch the video below! 

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