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Segway opens at Marina Bay Sands! Here’s Our Insider Look At This Novelty Attraction

About The MBS Segway Tour



When you sign up for a Segway tour, you not only get to ride on the futuristic-looking Segway but also get to soak in the prettiest views our garden city has to offer. The Marina Bay Segway Tour covers some of Marina Bay’s biggest attractions – including The Promontory @ Marina Bay, Helix Bridge, Marina Barrage, Art Science Museum and Gardens by the Bay, just to name a few. 

The TSL team recently went down for a first-hand experience of the tour and boy, did we have a “wheel” of a time!


The Experience


Upon arriving at the Marina Bay City Gallery, we were shown a short video clip which warned us against misusing the Segway and highlighted potential hazards we should avoid whilst riding it. The video was very effective, with its animated stick-man succumbing to fatalities over and over again.

In fact, it was so effective that we started feeling a whole lot more nervous about riding the Segway. On hindsight however, the video was just a precautionary measure against the inner daredevils in us – riding the Segway was definitely more fun than dangerous!

b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_4221-Copy.JPGWe proceeded to watch a live demonstration on how to operate the Segway and the above is a picture of us paying utmost attention – no doubt a side effect from the video clip. We then took turns to try out the Segway with the guidance of a safety instructor before they sent us on our way.


The Segway was fairly easy to operate. You basically navigate by shifting your body weight. To go forward, you lean forward. To stop moving, you shift your weight to your heels. When trying to stay stationary, don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re at sea – it’s hard to come to a complete standstill on the Segway.

Me on the segway

Initially, we started out feeling wobbly in the knees and took it slowly for fear of ending up like the tragic stick-man. But soon after, we got the hang of navigating and easily followed our guide in a single-file manner. We felt very much like ducklings and true enough, we looked just like them. 

b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_4317-Copy.JPGAs we stopped at each of the different attractions along Marina Bay, the tour guide explained the significance behind them and shared some interesting facts. While the guide was more catered to inform tourists, we locals gained some informative tidbits from the tour as well! 

Viewing these attractions up close and learning more about them definitely beats Googling them for information. Besides, you get to photograph and be photographed whilst looking sleek on the Segway – many locals and tourists were snapping our photos as we glided past.

b2ap3_thumbnail_MBS-Segway-5.JPGBy the end of the tour, many of us were itching to race on our Segways and started to ride at a much faster pace. However, this was impossible due to safety reasons, as the Segway’s speed is capped at 10km/hour. 

Being stubborn and desperate for a race, I tried to challenge this capped speed and ended up having to brake several times in order to prevent myself from toppling over. When you exceed the speed limit, the Segway’s handlebar leans towards you, and you feel like you’re losing your sense of balance. When that happens, stop and take it slow.


We got back to the City Gallery feeling hungry and were glad to find an Italian bistro, Verve, located just outside the gallery.

b2ap3_thumbnail_MBS-Segway-1.JPGThe unmistakable aroma of oven-baked pizzas wafted towards us the minute we sat ourselves down and we couldn’t resist that goodness! We devoured every last piece of the savoury pizza. Located just outside the City Gallery, Verve is a prime location for an outdoor dining experience with a view to boot.

On the whole, the tour was a good experience as we got to appreciate several remarkable attractions in Singapore in just under 2 hours. Also, as our country is known for its humid weather, so gliding around on a Segway is literally a cool way to marvel at our island’s beauty.


Get your Segway Experience



There are two tours to choose from, but the number of locations covered will vary accordingly. Highlights of Marina Bay tour covers 4 locations, and The Signature Marina Bay tour covers 7 locations.

Highlights of Marina Bay

  • Closed on Mondays
  • 10am to 7pm (Last tour at 6pm)
  • Duration: 60 mins*
  • $68 per pax

 The Signature Marina Bay

  • Closed on Mondays
  • 9.30am^, 12.00pm, 2.30pm, 5.00pm
  • Duration: 120 mins*
  • $98 per pax

*Inclusive of training
^Available during weekends only; Advance booking only
 Minimum requirements: 105cm and 15 years old

Contact: 9111 7239

To book your tickets or find out more about Segway Tours, click here!

This post was brought to you by Marina Bay Segway Tours.