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8 Tips On Nailing Part-Time Job Interviews In Singapore’s Predicted Recession

Ace that job interview


FashJobs, how to ace part-time job interviews Singapore

After a series of unfortunate events in 2016, there looms a fast-approaching economic recession that’s expected to stay for the next couple of years. While we’d like to remain optimistic, it’s also important to prepare ourselves for the worst by retaining good financial security amidst everything – which is why taking up a part-time job might be a good idea at this point.

Whether you’re a student trying to earn your keep, a fresh grad looking to tide yourself over while searching for a full-time gig, or even someone between jobs – here are some tips to help you ace that PT job interview and be a sure-hire.


1. Know your personal calendar well


be upfront about your schedule, part-time jobs

Source: @heazzzplanner

If you’re applying for shift work, be upfront about which days you are unable to take – for example, if you have to go to church on Sunday mornings, or have tuition classes twice a week.

Not only will this help to give an impression that you’re not the flaky chin chye sort, you’ll also make it way easier for the company to schedule you, increasing your chances of employment.


2. Look the part


dress smartly for job interview

First impressions count. Even if it’s only a part-time job you’re applying for, you should never, ever turn up in flip-flops and shorts. You don’t have to be in stuffy business attire, but it’s basic courtesy to look like you care about your appearance.

Guys should go for covered shoes and a collared top – these can even be sneakers with a well-fitting polo tee and jeans. As for the ladies, dress modestly, keep the bling to a minimum, and make sure your hair is kept neatly away from your face. The key here is to look smart and put-together – this ain’t a fashion show.


3. Gear yourself up to start immediately


Fact: you are not a Special Snowflake – as far as part-time jobs go, every worker is easily replaceable. As such, companies will be more inclined to hire someone who can start immediately, or at least with very short notice.

Everyone wants to enjoy their holidays, so it’s understandable that you’d try to put the working life off for a bit before starting. But if you really want the job, you’ll be willing to skip those extra 2 weeks of lepak-ing at home with K-dramas, and grab the opportunity before the door closes on you in favour of someone else.


4. Display the appropriate skills you have to offer


display relevant skills for job interview

Even if you don’t have prior relevant experience to speak of, it’s important to show that you have the right skills for the position you’re applying for. For example, for service-related roles in retail or F&B, smile loads and look approachable. As for a data entry job, make sure you appear organised, with a resume arranged nicely in a file instead of a kiam chye piece of paper haphazardly thrown into your bag.


5. Punctuality is important


Punctuality, part-time job interview

Time is money – this saying holds true for any sort of business. Even if it’s only a temporary gig, show that you’re a reliable worker by being early for your interview – little gestures like these speak volumes about the kind of person you are.

To be safe, aim to arrive at least 20 minutes early – this will provide a good buffer time, just in case a sudden downpour causes a jam or there’s yet another surprise train breakdown.


6. Go with friends so you can back each other up


When there are many positions to fill, interviews are sometimes conducted in a group setting. If you apply together with friends, there are high chances that you’ll be interviewed together, which gives you a perfect chance to say positive things about each other. In fact, for jobs that require teamwork – such as roadshows and events – chemistry between workers is always a plus, so this could work in your favour.

Don’t act like you’re too close though, lest you give the impression that you’ll chao keng together.


7. Do a mock interview with friends


mock interview with friends, prepare for part-time job

Even the most confident of us can get a sudden onslaught of last-minute jitters. To help calm your nerves, conduct a little roleplay with your friends, where they pose as the interviewer and ask you questions that might possibly come out during the interview. They can also help give constructive criticism with regards to your responses and body language. Having your confidence built up this way will also help you speak more coherently on the big day.


8. Don’t think of it as just a part-time job


Go in with the same kind of attitude you’d have if you were being interviewed for a full-time job. It may start off as a part-time position now, but who knows? You may want to take up a full-time management-level role there in the future.

Starting off on a very positive note right from the first point of contact will increase the possibility of a full-time hire – if they see potential in you, they’ll be keeping their eye on you.


Tips to get you hired ASAP


Going for job interviews can be a daunting process, but follow these tips and you’ll win potential employers over in no time. Remember, it’s not just about having a stellar resume – you’ve gotta be just as impressive in person too. So remember these the next time you go for an interview, and let your best self shine through!


Get your ideal job on FastJobs


FastJobs app, part-time jobs

If you’re currently on a job hunt but haven’t had any luck, don’t be disheartened – just keep trying, because the more jobs you apply for, the more chances you’ll create for yourself. To ease the process, try looking on FastJobs (iOS, Android), an easy-to-use app that lets you filter search results by job type, industry, and location.

FastJobs app, search algorithm, recommendations  


With a Discover page that works in the same way as Instagram’s Explore, FastJobs has an algorithm that gives recommendations based on your browsing history – so that you won’t miss any opportunities that might be of relevance.

For added convenience, the app lets you directly call, SMS, email, and even slide into the DMs of the companies you’re interested in – no more going through the trouble of saving numbers or copying and pasting multiple email addresses.

You can also attach your resume to your profile for potential employers to access – thus cutting short the time and effort needed to upload your resume for every single application you send out. If you haven’t already done up a resume, FastJobs can create one for you with their Resume Generator, which also helps to auto-convert everything into PDF format.

So skip the leychey application process – stay ahead of the game in a convenient way with FastJobs, and you’ll never miss a good work opportunity again!

Find out more about FastJobs here!

This post was brought to you by FastJobs.