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Great eastern super singles

PSA For Single Parents: Great Eastern Is Giving 50% Off This Insurance Plan To Cover You, Your Kids & Parents

Great Eastern multi-generational insurance plan 

Great eastern super singles

11.11 Singles’ Day has rolled in and out, and we are all reminded that it’s perfectly cool – enjoyable even – to be a single pringle. But among all the single peeps out there, we’ve yet to acknowledge and appreciate all the single parents out there for their understated strength.

Bringing up a kid isn’t easy, much less bringing up one solo. To commemorate all single moms and dads, Great Eastern is now offering some 111 single parents 50% off first year premiums for their multi-generational critical illness term plan, from now till 31st December 2019

GREAT Family Care Plan

We all know that raising a kid costs a bomb, but doing it on a single income is another thing altogether. When you’re busy enough raising a child and bringing home the dough, convenience is something that’s greatly appreciated. 

Great Eastern multi-generational insurance plan

Enter the GREAT Family Care Plan, a first of its kind multi-generational Critical Illness term plan that will cover the entire family – yourself, your children and parents included. This kind of insurance is ideal for those who can’t deal with the prospect of juggling various insurance plans for the different members of your household. 

Great Eastern multi-generational insurance plan

Going into the nitty-gritty, the plan covers you in times of worst-case scenarios including protection against 53 critical illnesses, total and permanent disability, terminal illness and death. Your child will also be well protected with automatic free insurance against 53 critical illness and 25 juvenile conditions up till the age of 18. This includes future children too.

Those wanting their parents to hop on board can also do so with the addition of an optional Parent Protect rider, to get support if their parents were to contract unfortunate illnesses like Major Cancers, Alzheimer’s Disease, Severe Dementia or Parkinson’s Disease until they’re 100 years old. There’s no need to worry about tedious and time-consuming medical tests either, as no medical assessments are required for parents to qualify.

The GREAT Family Care plan is open to everyone, but only the first 111 single parents who sign up by 31st Dec 2019 can get the one-time 50% discount off their first year premiums with an attached rider, subject to a cap of S$1,000. So if you are eligible, head on over to their website as soon as possible to register your interest.

Find out more about GREAT Family Care Plan here

This post was brought to you by Great Eastern.
Photography by Huy Pham and Pichan Cruz.

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