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10 Ways To Future Proof Your Child Aside From Piano And Ballet Lessons

Courses that prepare your child for the future


Image credit: The Learning Lab

While not all Singaporean mothers are ‘Tiger Mums’, our ‘kiasu’ness transcends generations, and we are still eager as ever to send our kids for all sorts of enrichment and extracurricular activities to keep them ahead of the curve — and the younger the better. 

From lessons that can transform your kid into a coding genius at the age of 5, to ones that get them set to be the next champion on the debate team, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful courses that can guide your child to remain ahead of the game for their future:




1. Science Classes


sci class

Image credit: The Learning Lab

Instead of letting your kids spend all day with their eyes glued to an iPad or computer screen like most kids these days, allow your kids to grow in their love for science and nature by attending the “Amazing World of Science” holiday programme held by The Learning Lab. 

Highlights of the programme will include an introduction to the water cycle, learning all about clouds and the weather, and even getting some hands-on experience with weather instruments.

Suitable for: K1-P6
Find out more here.


2. Math Enrichment Programmes


Image credit: The Learning Lab 

From mastering tricky topics like geometry and fractions to more advanced ones like data analysis, take your little one’s learning beyond just counting and put them ahead of the bell curve with this math programme perfect for little ones in starting Kindergarten. 

Mental sums and new-age heuristics no longer have to be a daunting chore as your young one can learn through a host of engaging games and activities that help them see how math is evident in their daily experiences. Help your child see math as an exciting subject that is dynamic and fun.

Suitable for: N2 – K2
Find out more here.


3. English Enrichment Programmes


english enrichment

Image credit: The Learning Lab

If you’re worried that your child’s disinterest in reading might affect his or her grades in the years to come, a preschool English language programme could help your child to grasp foundational language skills whilst learning to love language. For years to come, this can better help your child to communicate clearly as well as understand and respond to both written and verbal instruction. 

Classes not only help young ones develop their phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and grammar, but also help them build on comprehension, listening and speaking skills through a series of interactive storytelling sessions, in-class discussions, guided written work and mini verbal presentations. 

Suitable for: N2 – K2
Find out more here.


Primary School-Level


4. Coding Camps



Image credit: The Learning Lab

In today’s fast-paced, kanchiong environment, everything is getting digitalised fast, and computers will inevitably dominate how we function. That’s why it’s important to give your kids a head start on how to decipher the complexity behind computational thinking.

At this Coding Camp, your young one will learn how to tackle problems by breaking them down and simplifying them into more manageable ones through the use of games, creating applications, and game modelling. These interactive learning methods help nurture children’s cognitive development, letting them grow into reflective problem solvers in the future.

Suitable for: K1-P6
Find out more here.


5. Perfect Presentations Workshop


presenters workshop

Image credit: The Learning Lab

If you wish for your children to be confident in front of the camera, and for them to speak like Steve Jobs or Obama – the Perfect Presentations Workshop is the perfect place to start to gauge your child’s interest in public speaking and presentation. 

A 3-day-course takes your child from elevator pitches to full-blown presentations accompanied by the most effective Powerpoint skills. Your child will learn how to speak naturally and compellingly to an audience with confidence and flair. Here’s to them growing up to be the next TED-Talk presenter live on TV! 

Suitable for: P5 and P6
Find out more here.


6. Money Management Workshops


 money management

Image credit: safebee

Being money-savvy is very important — it’s never too early for a child to start learning how to manage his or her finances. This Money Management Workshop, run by The Learning Lab teaches children the importance of managing their allowances, saving, spending, and even giving — all to help them cultivate humble and responsible spending habits in future. 

At the end of the course, the kids are also brought to a trip to the supermarket to put what they have learnt to practical use! Nothing better than a hands-on experience in financial management to keep things interesting. 

Suitable for: P1-P5
Find out more here.


7. Lower Primary Science Enrichment Classes


 lower pri sci

Image credit: The Learning Lab

Spark your child’s love for Science beyond the textbook with this Primary 2 and 3 Science Enrichment class that will hone his or her observation and critical thinking skills through the study of life cycles, plant and human body systems and magnets. 

Expect a whole slew of hands-on activities, experiments, and fun games that will expose them to the workings of nature and how science is applicable out there in the real world!

Suitable for: P2-S4
Find out more here.


8. Lower Primary Confidence Courses


lower pri confidence classes

Image credit: The Learning Lab

If you’ve got flashbacks of yourself with shaky hands and a lump in your throat struggling through your school or work presentations — you’ll know how important public speaking is. Don’t let your child go through the same nerve-wracking fate by preparing him or her to speak confidently in front of a crowd.

This “Communicating with Confidence” course will help your child to be an eloquent, confident and fearless presenter — ready to take on the world. Through fun and interactive activities, he or she will learn about the details of different expressions, tone and pace of speech – things parents tend to overlook in favour of grades but are equally important!

Suitable for: P1-P2
Find out more here.


9. Lower Primary English Enrichment Classes


lower pri english class

Image credit: The Learning Lab

Don’t make the mistake of thinking English enrichment classes are solely reserved for students struggling with the language. The classes run by The Learning Lab are tailored especially for lower primary students looking to pick up key component-based skills and good learning habits that will help them retain knowledge and learn best how to apply their knowledge in tests and exams.

If you’re looking to expand your little one’s vocabulary and skillsets in comprehension, composition writing, grammar, vocabulary and cloze passages, you know what to sign them up for.

Suitable for: Lower Primary
Find out more here.


10. Lower Primary Math Enrichment Class


lower pri math class

Image credit: The Learning Lab

With primary school problem-solving questions becoming so difficult that they’re making headlines for stumping even adults, you can only imagine what children a quarter of your age must be going through.

Give your child a boost with a mathematics enrichment class that will take the strain of dealing with curveball questions off him or her. With the help of card games, interactive activities, these lessons teach your child how to employ specific techniques to answer different questions types. After all, if the end goal of critical thinking is met, your child will not only be able to excel but to also enjoy the learning journey.

Suitable for: Lower Primary
Find out more here.


Prep your kids for a bright future with The Learning Lab



Image credit: The Learning Lab

With so many different enrichment and learning courses available, don’t leave your child’s development to chance – get them ready early for a bright future ahead! More than their wide array of holiday workshops and programmes, The Learning Lab (TLL) is the choice centre for academic enrichment and tuition programmes for all students through preschool to pre-tertiary level. They’ve even consistently produced Singapore’s top students at the PSLE examinations. 

TLL believes that knowledge, skills and dispositions are the 3 main elements that lead to a child’s success both in school and in life. 

They believe in cultivating positive learning attitudes that underpin growth and success in children from young and developing their desire to learn, improve and set goals with a critical thinking mindset. 

If you’re looking for a reliable learning environment for your child, TLL’s Term 1 2018 programmes are now open for registration! 

Find out about The Learning Lab’s Term 1 2018 Programmes here!

This post was brought to you by The Learning Lab.