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8 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Everyday To Improve Your Health ASAP

Hacks to drink more water

Images adapted from: @therightcup, @kimberlyng05

Keeping ourselves hydrated is something we always tell ourselves, but more often than not, we fail to keep up. Blame it on the boring taste or on our busy schedules, but in a world where bubble tea and teh peng reign supreme, drinking water has become a secondary thought.

When this is the case, remembering our daily intake of water can be a chore. But if you’re determined to overcome this mental hurdle, here are 8 ways you can trick yourself to get more water into your system.

1. Add more ice to your sweet drinks and smoothies

tricks drink water iceImage credit: @dedyrivai

If you absolutely must have that morning cup of coffee, try popping a few ice cubes into your drink. Sure, your drink may not be as concentrated, but it’s a sneaky way to get that extra hydration into your body. And plus, we’d love any excuse to keep cool amidst the persistent hot weather in Singapore.

tricks drink water smoothieImage credit: @mckenziedev

For a healthier alternative, you can combine all your favourite fruits to make a smoothie. But this time, be sure to load up your blender with more ice cubes.

2. Drink from a straw

tricks drink water straw

Most of us gulp down our water straight from the bottle, but to get more water into your system, try drinking from a straw instead. You’ll take in more water through a straw, and you’re more naturally inclined to sip at a drink instead of opening your water bottle every time you want some water.

3. Invest in a special cup that makes you think you’re drinking flavoured water

tricks drink water cupImage credit: @therightcup

Water can be pretty plain by itself, which is why we tend to add fruits to switch things up. But in the event your pantry’s fresh out of fruits, you can invest in gadgets that trick yourself into thinking you’re ingesting flavoured water instead.

Take for instance The Right Cup. Its products are infused with fruit-flavoured scents – so the moment you take a sip, you’ll be hit with a strong fruity whiff that will convince your brain that you’re actually drinking fruit-infused water instead.

4. Eat more spicy food

eating spicy food

We can’t live without consuming our favourite bowl of mala every once in a while or challenging our threshold with ghost pepper noodles. But while those options may cause our tastebuds a lot of pain, it’s also a great way to “entice” yourself to drink more water.

When your whole mouth’s on fire, you’ll naturally reach for some water to quell that burning sensation. So yes, if there was any time to kickstart your own #spicyfoodchallenge, it’s now.

5. Set a timer or use an app to create mental triggers

tricks drink water timer

When we’re caught up in whatever we’re doing, we can easily forget to throw in a few sips of water every now and then. Which is why we need reminders to shake us out of our reverie – either set hourly reminders on your phone, or use apps like Drink Water Reminder n Tracker (available on iOS) to keep track of your water intake. 

6. “Eat” your water with veggies and fruits

tricks drink water fruitsImage credit: @creativityofcolor

Staying hydrated doesn’t just involve drinking your water – rather, you can eat it as well. Keeping your diet filled with water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelons won’t just an added count towards your daily fruit/veggie count, they’re also chock full of cellular water that your body can absorb and retain.

7. Keep an active lifestyle

tricks drink water jog

Whether you’re going for a jog or hitting the gym, you’re bound to sweat buckets. And when we do, we need that bottle of water at our side to replenish our thirst. 

By adding in a few exercises to our daily schedules, we’re not just working towards a healthier self – rather, we’re also bumping up our hydration levels in the process.

8. Water bottle that lights up

tricks drink water bottleImage credit: TheSmartLocal

We live in an age where technology can help out in nearly every aspect of our lives. And while we’re more commonly acquainted with smartphones and game consoles, there are also such things as smart water bottles as well.

smart water bottleImage credit: @dealspotr

Smart bottles from Ozmo and Hidrate Spark come fitted with LED lights that flash as a reminder to drink water throughout the day. They each come with their respective apps that you can sync your phone to and track your water intake.

Tricks to keep yourself hydrated

Most of us don’t drink enough water daily, and that often results in symptoms like lethargy and headaches. Given how busy we can get, it’s forgivable to forget our daily dose of water, which is why we often rely on multiple tricks to keep us on track.

The problem may also lie in the type of water we drink. At home, we often drink boiled or filtered tap water, which some people don’t enjoy.

tricks drink water dolma

As an alternative, we can turn towards bottled mineral water. The spring water from Dolma Spring Natural Mineral Water is taken directly from the glaciers of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountain in Tibet and is naturally imbibed with fine molecules and minerals that rev up your metabolic rate.

tricks drink water dolma spring

The taste is lighter and purer than your average tap water, which is easier to swallow. It’s also naturally alkaline, and that makes it a great counterbalance against our body’s naturally-occurring acidic nature, ultimately helping to cool ourselves down.

tricks drink water dolma

While we need to remember to keep ourselves hydrated throughout the day, there are even more benefits to gain from drinking fresh spring water like Dolma Spring. They’re available at FairPrice supermarkets and convenience stores like Cheers and Easy Joy in Sinopec petrol stations, so you can easily snag a bottle on your way to and from work.

Find more information about Dolma Spring Water here

This post was brought to you by Dolma Spring Water.
Photography by Faith Toh.