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AEIOU Café Review – A Gorgeous Quaint Cafe EXISTS Inside This Antique House

About AEIOU Café


A,E,I,O,U – the vowels we learnt in preschool, and the building blocks of the English language. Just like how these basic vowels are essential to the language, AEIOU Café aims to remind visitors that less is sometimes more, and it is important to keep life simple and fuss-free.

Hidden behind the unassuming facade of Oriental Antique House, AEIOU is a cafe and lifestyle retail space selling aesthetically-pleasing designer items guaranteed to paint a smile on your face. With its rustic charm and quirkily decorated corners, this café is the perfect backdrop for all your hipster instagram shots!


A quirky ambience


These days there are many cafes that cater to Singaporeans and our penchant for all things unique and vintage. It may just be the sentimentality of yesteryear, but AEIOU Cafe has successfully crafted an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility using this winning formula. With retro music from the 60s and 70s tinkling through the air, it felt like a total blast from the past!

Stepping into the café, my first thought was that it was chapalang in a very tasteful way. Kind of an atas hoarder’s haven. Centered around a philosophy to inspire others to lead a green and balanced lifestyle, the concept of upcycling is a running thread throughout the café. This is seen through their use of old alcohol bottles to create food holders, which made for a fascinating conversation topic, not to mention fantastic photo opportunity!

It’s quite smart of the café to use objects which are now “useless” to inspire deeper reflections about the value of recycling.


Honest Food


The owners strive to bring honest food to the table, using only the freshest ingredients, and cooking without preservatives or additives. They spend hours each day doing the backbreaking work of preparing wholesome meals, allowing customers to eat in peace knowing that what they put in their mouths is good for their body.

Between my colleague and I, we ordered one main, one side, one drink, and one dessert. As we perused the menu, we sharpened our eyes to look out for the little dino that pointed out the chef’s recommendation before we attacked. Errr, I mean ordered!

AEIOU’s signature Avocado Coffee ($8) was served first, with the blended avocado resplendent in all its creamy glory seating on its throne made out of an old Absolut Vodka bottle. When I took the first sip, I felt confused as it was tasteless and bland. This is their signature drink? Strangely, it had arrived without sugar!

However, after asking for sugar syrup, the entire drink transformed and took on new life. The bitterness of the coffee sharply contrasted against the delightful creaminess of the avocado, creating an unexpectedly harmonious dish.

Next came the Pulled Chicken Truffle Mayo Burger ($18.90). This, unfortunately, was a complete disappointment. While the truffle mayo had the strong heady scent characteristic of truffle, it was a pity as the overall flavour of the burger was imbalanced. Wedged between the charcoal buns were generous amounts of shredded cucumber and carrots, and the first few bites had me thinking I ordered a vegetable burger by accident.

The pulled chicken, although tender, was overwhelmingly salty! Or perhaps it was the cheese. Whatever it was, it made me gulp down water to assuage my withering tastebuds. The burger was a letdown, and sadly does not warrant such a steep price.

Thankfully, the fries saved the day. Thick cut and hand-sliced,they were wonderfully seasoned with spice and a hint of smokiness. Warning: Super addictive!

For sides, we tried their Baked Chicken Wings ($7.90). Tasty without being too oily, featuring succulent meat and thin crisped skin. Paired with a delectable homemade Sweet Chilli Sauce, these babies were great! With or without the sauce, the wings were impressive. Furthermore as the name suggests, they were baked, not fried.

Plus points for the healthiness index! My only grouse about the dish was that one of the three wings was slightly undercooked, depriving my stomach of more yummylicious chicken wings. 

We ended our meal with their Flourless Orange Cake ($6.90), as recommended by the barista. The cake was extremely moist and light, but the downside was that it bordered on being a tad too wet. With a slight aftertaste of citrusy bitterness, I can see it being a hit with those who like healthier tasting cakes. As for me, I think I’ll stick to my rich chocolate-y cakes.




I’ll be honest, I won’t be going back for the food. There were some quality dishes, but most were unspectacular. Unless I received a windfall, I will probably think twice about splurging at the café.

Yet, despite its prices, there is something about the café that just draws one in. It could be the novelty of going to a hidden café or the allure of nostalgia, but the ambience was simply enchanting. For those looking for a charming café to kickback and unwind in, this café may do the trick. There’s even free wifi! Ha, now I’ve got your attention.

If you visit the café, you may just see me bobbing my head happily with a plate of chicken wings in one hand, and a book in the other. Ahhh, bliss.

Ambience: 8/10

Getting to AEIOU Café


The café is a short 5 minute walk from Lavender MRT station. Take Exit B, walk past Kopitiam and use the zebra crossing, before turning right and following the road all the way until just before Jalan Besar Stadium. The cafe will be diagonally across the road!

Housed in an antique shop from the 70s, the café has retained the signboard of the previous occupant, so look out for the signboard that says “Oriental Antique House”.

Address: 111 King George’s Ave, Singapore 208559
Tel: +65 6291 2698
Opening Hours
Tues – Sun: 11.00 am – 10.00 pm
Sat: 10.00 am – 11.00 pm
Sun: 10.00 am – 9.00 pm