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Vietnam Airlines Flew EU Citizens Stranded In Vietnam And Medical Supplies To Europe

Vietnam Airlines brings Europeans home and sends medical supplies to Europe

Amid the rising escalation of coronavirus outbreak globally and the suspension of most air routes exiting Vietnam, many European citizens have found themselves stranded in Vietnam.

To accommodate these visitors’ wishes to return home and with the approval of the Vietnamese government, Vietnam Airlines operated two flights sponsored by the foreign ministry of Germany.

These flights departed from Vietnam to Frankfurt on 6th and 8th April, carrying nearly 600 passengers and Vietnam’s medical supplies to Spain, France, Germany, and England.

Flights marking the friendship between Germany and Europe

For the passengers, who include Germans and other citizens of EU countries, these flights are monumental.

VNA ship masks to Europe
Shipping 550,000 face masks to Europe
Image credit: VNA Spirit

Not only are these flights the final chances to return home for many, but they also speak for Vietnam’s willingness to lend a hand to European countries in their fight against the coronavirus.

Tan Son Nhat airport VNA
Image credit: VNA Spirit

Health and safety protocol strictly followed throughout the flights

Vietnam airlines flight to Europe 5
Image credit: VNA Spirit

The entire cabin crew were clad in personal protective equipment. All passengers’ temperatures were taken, and all went through comprehensive health checks before boarding.

Vietnam airlines flight to Europe cabin
Image credit: VNA Spirit 

To prevent the transmission of the coronavirus via objects, Vietnam Airlines did not serve hot meals or provide magazines on these flights.

After the passengers disembarked in Europe and the planes flew home from Germany back to Vietnam, they did not carry passengers, but only cargo. The planes were disinfected and cleaned thoroughly right after landing.

The Consulate General of Germany in Ho Chi Minh City extended its thanks

On its Facebook page on 8th April, the Consulate General of Germany in Ho Chi Minh City extended its thanks to the Vietnamese government, Vietnam Airlines, and other Consulate staff for helping the stranded visitors return home safe and sound.

Image credit: German Consulate General Ho Chi Minh City (1, 2)

Meanwhile, on its Facebook page, the Embassy of Germany in Hanoi also shared a touching story about humanity and unity on the flight from Hanoi to Germany on 6th April.

Vietnam airlines flight to Europe 2
Image credit: German Embassy Hanoi

german consulate general in hcmc thanks vietnam
Image credit: German Consulate General Ho Chi Minh City

On that flight, a retired Vietnamese pediatrician, Bich Hoang Pham Thi Waldmann, her husband and other therapists helped to take care of some ill passengers. 

Vietnam wants to support coronavirus-hit countries

So far, Vietnam is one of the few COVID-19 hit countries in the world without any fatalities reported. Many of the patients treated for coronavirus have tested negative twice in a row and have been discharged.

As Vietnam’s cases dwindle, it wants to step up cooperation and provide medical support to other countries with COVID-19 patients. On 9th April, over 450,000 protective suits from Vietnam landed in Dallas, Texas. President Donald Trump also tweeted his thanks to DuPont, FedEx, and “friends in Vietnam” for making this happen.

Donald Trump tweet
Image credit: @realDonaldTrump

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Cover image adapted from: VNA Spirit

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