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Vietnam Goes 24 Hours With No New COVID-19 Cases For The First Time In A Month

24 hours in Vietnam with no new COVID-19 cases

Vietnam has been seeing great COVID-19 statistics since the beginning of the week, with just single-digit daily jumps in the number of new COVID-19 cases, and dozens of new recoveries reported.

This morning marks the first time in over a month that the country has gone a full day without a new COVID-19 case.

Over 50% of COVID-19 patients in Vietnam have recovered so far

Image credit: Bệnh Viện Sản Nhi Quảng Ninh

With this latest development, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Vietnam is still sitting at 251 since our latest update. According to the Ministry of Health, 156 of these are overseas arrivals.

So far, 126 out of these 251 cases have made full recoveries and been discharged from hospitals, placing the recovery rate at just over 50%. 2 more patients who have been receiving treatment in Hồ Chí Minh City are expected to be discharged today.

Of the remaining 125 active cases, 25 have tested positive once, and 17 have tested positive twice. So far, there have been no fatalities.

Staying on high alert is crucial

An entire hamlet in Hanoi has been isolated as a new COVID-19 case was discovered there
Image credit: Hà Nội Mới

While the numbers have been promising, the Vietnamese government has urged people not to let their guards down, as we are still seeing complicated developments. Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced that the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam had entered the third stage of a pandemic, which is community transmission.

The first stage began in late January and lasted until mid-February, during which 16 cases were reported, many of whom were associated with Wuhan. After that, Vietnam enjoyed 22 days without new COVID-19 cases reported until the second stage began on 6th March. Since then, the country has seen over 200 new cases, many of whom are Vietnamese nationals returning from abroad or foreign visitors.

During the third stage, people have been infected from unidentified sources, as is the case for the latest COVID-19 patient, a 64-year-old man from Hà Nam Province.

Several of the recently-reported cases had spent a long time in the community before they were discovered. Most notably, Patient 243, a 47-year-old man from Hanoi, had come into contact with hundreds of people before he was quarantined. The government has had to lock down the entire hamlet where he lives, which is home to nearly 11,000 people.

Social distancing is the key

In an effort to contain the pandemic, the Vietnamese government has issued a nationwide social distancing policy, which urges citizens to stay at home and only go out for essential reasons such as buying supplies.

Let’s all adhere to this order to protect ourselves and contribute to the fight against COVID-19.

For the latest update on the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, check out:

Cover image adapted from Bệnh Viện Sản Nhi Quảng Ninh

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