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Ươm Art Hub – Arts Complex Where You Can Enjoy Coffee, Admire Artworks And Buy Local Brand Clothes

Ươm Art Hub – Saigon art complex with a cafe, a gallery, and many workshops

Ươm Art Hub is an intriguing modern art complex where you can enjoy great drinks in a relaxing green space and admire modern artworks by young artists of the city.

What’s more, Ươm Art Hub still has other areas such as a tattooist’s space, graphic novel store, and cooking classes, all run by young artists.

The cafe gives you a green vibe

Uom Art Club - Cafe
The cafe makes full use of the natural light and pleasant air
Image credit: Duyet Trinh

In this 1,200 square-meter Ươm Art Hub, the cafe is the first place to welcome you to the complex. As this cafe is designed to moderate natural light and is ventilated by natural breezes, you can have a great time relaxing in this cafe. Moreover, the space is pleasant with a lot of plants around the place.

Uom Art Club - Yard
This cafe was built to be eco-friendly
Image credit: Nguyễn Toàn

Beyond that, this cafe may also inspire you try an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, most furniture here is made of used wood planks and recycled materials. More impressively, the designers of this cafe have successfully processed 303,400 milk packets, drinking straws, and plastic wrappers to create the roof.

Enjoy coffee and admire artworks

Uom Art Club - Exhibition
An artwork exhibited on the roof of the cafe
Image credit: Ươm

If you are looking for some new inspirations or simply to refresh your mind, check out the gallery of Ươm Art Hub. The gallery is in the same building as the cafe.

Here you can enjoy many intriguing modern artworks. Because Ươm Art Hub was founded by artists and creative workers, they usually help young artists with their exhibitions.

Ươm Art Hub - Art Performance
Young songwriter Lê Cát Trọng Lý performed her songs at Ươm Art Hub
Image credit: Ươm

As more and more artists came here to hold their events, you will see new pieces on display regularly. So every time you come to the gallery is likely to be a new artistic experience for you.

It has many facilities for different creative demands

Uom Art Club - Yard Opposite
Around the green yard of this complex are many other facilities for you to be creative.
Image credit: Toan Nguyen

If you are an artist or an art lover, you will find Ươm Art Hub an ideal place for your creative work with many facilities to meet different demands.!1s0x3175291f56525e87%3A0xfc940517e490865!3m1!7e115!!5zxrDGoW0gaHViIC0gVMOsbSB0csOqbiBHb29nbGU!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOnaEVw6jsnpjBIWiXXPvaVLdcUuP5G5Xg_LDzk&hl=vi&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg09WsuLb3AhW_yzgGHRC5BewQoip6BAhaEAM
Lô Cô Market, a remarkable Saigon art market, is held annually at this complex. You can buy artworks, merchandise, and many local brand products at this market.
Image credit: Ươm

Next to the cafe and the gallery is a tattoo studio named Tattoonista. Nearby are Studio de Egg, a kitchen and lifestyle particularly designed for classes and workshops on cuisine and cooking.

Across the gate, the FPDB Creative Studio is a wonderful place for you to learn and practice food photography. Last but not least, at Razcals opposite the cafe, you will find numerous art books, graphic novels, and textbooks needed for any visual artist.

Ươm Art Hub

Ươm Art Hub is a Saigon art complex that is attractive to not only creative workers but also art lovers. It has an eco-friendly cafe with lots of plants and an open design, offering you a calming atmosphere.

The hub is also inspirational with a gallery right next to the cafe and many creative facilities to intrigue your curiosity.

Ươm Art Hub
42/58 Hoàng Hoa Thám Street, Ward 7, Bình Thạnh District, Hồ Chí Minh City
Opening hours: 9AM-9PM, Daily
Telephone: +84 917 171 197
Ươm’s Website and Facebook

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Cover image adapted from Duyet Trinh , Ươm, and Ươm  

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